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Why Can't People Control There Dogs On Lead?


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I don't need people with their well meaning ideas to undo the work I have done because they think my dog needs a friend in his face.

Oh yes, there's really nothing worse than someone assuming that your aggressive dog wants to socialise, without having the courtesy to ask you first. I met one lady at class who was rude enough to tell me that it was no wonder my dog was aggressive, because I wouldn't let him socialise with all the other dogs! Of course, if her dog had been chomped by mine, you know who'd be to blame then... :thumbsup:

I really needed this rant too. :)

It's great isn't it? :D

Sounds like you've done a lot of work with your dog and should be really proud of yourself. In my experience it can be absolutely frustrating and heartbreaking trying to train an aggressive dog, but on the other hand you often learn way more than you would from training a dog without major issues. And the buzz you feel when you earn a title with a "reactive" dog, even a very minor one like CGC, has to be felt to be believed! Silver linings, and all that. :o

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