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Angry Little Shih Tzu X Maltese!


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i took leni out to the local show and we meet up with a friend that also has a shih tzu x maltese. Leni was so nasty to my friends little dog - jumping all over her, growling, barking and snailing. she was aggressie and has never beenlike this before?? i am wondering why and i am very concerned about her behaviour.

both dogs are the same age (5months) and size.

opinions would be much appreciated.

Edited by LENI
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More puppy playing/no stress intros in appropriate areas & time to be treated as a dog.

Via grooming & the kennels we see alot of feral Shih crosses simply because theyve not been treated with the respect of being a dog & allowed to get away with things due to there size & cuteness but when they get bigger it becomes a big problem.

Its important to remember your little fluffy is no different to a Rotti ,GSD or Dobe they all need the same training,acceptable behaviour levels & pack order respect

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i treat her as a dog.

we go to the dog park every week and she see dogs all different shapes and sizes. do you think i should take her to obedience training or just more interaction with other dogs??

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Hard to know not seeing it first hand.

Shows can be overwhelming for dogs, however this isn't an excuse to use.

If you're not aready putting in place firm leadership, the time is now.

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Its hard to remember that these dogs are dogs,don't worry I have one and I always have to remind ometimes its my OH who reminds me and I don't even realise what I have /haven't done.

Obedience yes very much so,I'm taking Josie,she is nearly 5 months and this week has been a horror.

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maybe she was trying to assert her dominance?my pup was the same way for a while and some ppl on DOL gave me some really good advice. but basically socialisation and patience are what will overcome it in my opinion....by the way she is absolutely gorgeous!

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At 5 months of age, your dog's personality has pretty much developed.

There are three main things you must seriously consider in order for some changes to occur:

1. Strong leadership skills!!!!

2. Obedience training which includes socialisation.

3. Lots of regular exercise (not just a slow walk in the park but the sort of exercise that leaves her panting!!)

Make no mistake, your dog's intentions were serious and now that she's had a taste, she may well choose this line of action again. I would enlist the help of a professional before I let her off lead to romp with other dogs.

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