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Whats More Important To You As A Club Member?


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Please accept this post as proof of my intention to join your Utopian DOg Training Club.

COuld you please give me details of training times and days etc and the annual and weekly costs involved.

You have hit the nail on the head :laugh: This is what should be happening.

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Wouldn't it be great if we could have this club and I love the name.

Funny thing is one of my club members has broached the idea of a new club and now I have the name. :rofl:

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Hmm my club is pretty social which I like, it's really friendly.. And my dog has made a few friends there as have I :eek:

My club promotes the use of a correction collar.. Which I didn't like at first, but they allow the option of using a 'flat collar' (normal collar) as well which I do. I guess their method is a cross between more traditional styles and positive reinforcement.. For example while healing if the dog moves too far forward the handler is supposed to give a quick correctional 'tug' at the leash, making sure to quickly slacken the leash again straightaway as well as use a strong voice and say 'NO' or 'AH!'. There is to be no choking of the dog. When the dog does something correct we have to praise the dog 'GOOD dog' , and we get told off for not doing it :rofl: We are also encouraged to give treats and pats.

I wish there was more consistancy with the tasks my dog and I have to do on club competition days.. I'm at that transitional point now with my dog between club standards and trialling standards and it's very hard to progress because sometimes we get judged harshly for something thats acceptable in the club or something I havent been picked up on yet. We've failed our last two competition days which is really demotivating for me :rofl: Last year we passed every single one, and my dog even became 'Highest Placed Dog in Club Competition'!

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