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What Is A Prong Collar?

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Could someone please either describe and put piccies of a prong collar,

or if this has already been done, put a link to the thread for me please?

I have absolutely no idea what one is, but have been reading Ernie's thread with interest.


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They're a limited slip collar, made of interlocking metal links, with blunt teeth on the inside. Also called a pinch collar.

When you pop the leash, the collar contracts somewhat, and the blunt teeth grip the dog's neck, causing discomfort (not pain unless you pop way too hard). Unlike a choke chain, it doesn't cut off the dog's air supply, and can't strangle him.

Prongs are a particularly good collar for huge dogs (which could otherwise be hard to safely control), dogs with throat problems (they won't damage themselves by pulling on the collar) and dogs that are insensitive to pain (since you'd have to jerk them dangerously hard on a choke chain to get the same response as a light pop on a prong collar).

Edited to add: Rom beat me! :(

Edited by Amhailte
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