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Does Anyone Else Have "focus" Issues With Their Dog?

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It's not in my nature!

Hey it's at a dog club. I bet if you look around there will be loads of people doing really stupid looking things to get their dogs attention. :(

I think this is the hardest thing for a lot of people to do when it comes to dog training. I know I had a lot of problems being the clown on the end of the lead until a trainer told me I was placid and my dog was placid so I had to make training exciting for both of us. Took me a bit of time but I did get there. You just have to overcome all those years of trying not to make a fool of yourself in public. People genera;;y understand when they see the dog on the end of the lead. Or they think you are just another crazy dog person! :)


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Guest Tiggy

The 'name game' is teaching the dog to look at you when you say their name. Some people use 'watch'. I teach it with a clicker and lots of treats. It's a great warm-up exercise. I also agree you have to act like a clown to get the dogs interest. :(

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Just a thought on the 'clowning around' thing....

Generally you find that people are unwilling to display any behaviour that is outside the 'norm' esp when they are amongst a group of people that they don't know well or don't feel comfortable around. I'm sometimes one of them :thumbsup: Not where my dog is concerned though.

When I watch animal sports, some of the things I absolutely love to see in an animal/human team are genuine respect, compassion, a sense of fun and fairness. I find it attractive and uplifting.

Too often I think us humans get too wrapped up in how we feel rather than how our dogs need us to feel in order to get the best out of us and the experiences we are giving them basically because we are worried about how our actions might look to the outsider.

So, some people might look at you and think...."What an idiot!". But how important to you is the opinion of such people in comparison to the working relationship you develop with your dog?

I reckon real dog lovers will be watching with a warm smile in their hearts and be uplifted. The others will come to envy the working relationship that you develop with your dog.

So instead of thinking..."Oh, no! I have to act the fool...what will people think?", try "This is what my dog needs from me right now".

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:thumbsup: Ok. I have focus issues too. mainly with drops and dropstays. My girl knows exactly what to do BUT if I feed first (7pmclass) she plays up a bit, if I don't feed (take treats) she is so focused on the treats that she does every trick in the book that I haven't asked for to get the treat. So if she knows I have cheese etc. she will drop quickly then not stay and follow me for a treat. So I take her back and start again and sometimes the whole class is waiting for mine to drop and stay. Other times she wont even drop at all (if no treats), so I feel no treats = no drop. Treats = drop but no stay. She stays fine in a sit. Is it because she doesnt see me as the leader? We do nilif and the triangle and also 'look' exercises. All ok. She just will not drop on command and I get very frustrated by the end of class. She's 17 months old. ARGHHHHH!!!!! Also, we (moo and I ) are new at this, so realise I have a LOT to learn.

I do clown around but she's pretty excitable anyway so not too much clowning.xxx

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