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Teaching Drop From A Stand....

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Hi everyone....

In the past in obedience we only ever taught beginners to drop from a sit position. Then once they knew what drop ment, in intermediate drop from a stand was introduced (but not complusory).

It may have been my downfall because when trialling my lab would rarely drop from a stand but when given the command would sit first...he did it all in one nice fluid motion (sit then walk his feet forward into the drop).

In my new obedience club they prefer to teach from a stand right from the start.

I have never done this before. What is the best way to teach it?

Thanks heaps!


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Hiya Shelly :)

I prefer a drop from stand as you get a much more fluid motion - helps a lot in the trial ring!

If you are using food - simply lure it downward and back between the dogs front paws. DONT keep moving it back as the dog will just walk backward :). Hold it there but don't let the dog get the treat - usually they will go down into a bow and you may need to put slight pressure on the bum (around the hips) to get them down. As the bum goes down - say "Drop" "yes" and reward. To keep them down - put about 5 treats on the ground.... before they finish, drop another down, and another... and another.... you get the pic - pretty soon they won't want to get out of the drop as that is where 'all good things come'!

Hope this helps!

PS - shouldn't you be doing something else today OFF the internet :):love::laugh:

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Thanks LP!

I will give it a go.....!!! Don't know how I can stop him wiggling so much......as soon as my hands go near him he just wiggles and wiggles and wiggles (gotta love puppy wiggles just not during training)

Yeppers I did have stuff to do....but that all went pearshaped when my car broke down.........so no aussie pup yet!

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He doesn't get it!! :rofl:

When I don't let him get the treat straight away when I show it to him.......

He either scoots backwards and barks at me to get the treat....

or looses interest, looks at me like I am stupid and runs off !

I did get him into the bow position once and as soon as I put my hand near his hips he flopped over on his back for a belly rub and when i wouldn't give him one he scratched his back on the carpet (serious upside down wiggling)

Any ideas?

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He doesn't get it!! :rofl:

When I don't let him get the treat straight away when I show it to him.......

He either scoots backwards and barks at me to get the treat....

or looses interest, looks at me like I am stupid and runs off !

I did get him into the bow position once and as soon as I put my hand near his hips he flopped over on his back for a belly rub and when i wouldn't give him one he scratched his back on the carpet (serious upside down wiggling)

Any ideas?

Are you able to video it so we can see? It just gets harder and harder without seeing what is happening - thats all :rofl:

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I would c/t the 'bow' position so the dog gets some reward and trys to figure out how to get more. The 'bow' is a step towards the 'drop'. I would also have a lead on him so he can't run off. :rofl:

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Sorry but I have nothing to video tape it with.........not even my mobile after he ate the flap off it and drooled on it.

When ever I get the lead out he does zoomies thinking he is going for a walk, a ride in the ute or to puppy school!!!

But I might try a bit of rope (ie/ its a lead without being a lead)....and see if I can stop him scooting backwards!!!

The stupid thing is, towards the end of the class on Sunday he kept dropping of his own accord because he was so tired......as he does this, is it ok to give the command "drop" and treat.....even though he is instigating it himself????

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The stupid thing is, towards the end of the class on Sunday he kept dropping of his own accord because he was so tired......as he does this, is it ok to give the command "drop" and treat.....even though he is instigating it himself????

Yes, then make him get up and wait for it again. Also at home if he is backing up use a wall and have him on lead to help you get what you want. When he understands, you will get it anywhere.

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What do you mean by 'scooting' back? Is it possible to slow down the speed you are luring him??

I am trying to lure him slowly......but not too slowly as he loses interest very quickly!

His reaction to most things I try and do with him is to run backwards out of arms reach into a 'bow' position with his tail (whole bum) wiggling furiously like a cat ready to pounce.

If I then ignore him and walk away he stalks me/herds me...... I know I need a haircut but I am not that sheep looking. If I go and sit down and totally ignore him.....he sits close by, very proud and upright like he has herded me into the yard and he is keeping me there.

He does the same thing with the other dogs when they go lay on their mat....acts like he has herded them there and he watches them to make sure they dont move or get off.

I am trying to ignore this behaviour without correcting it.....as I want to try herding later!

Rotten herding dog!


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Couple of things - totally agree about breaking it down into smaller pieces. If he'll bend his elbows, reward that a couple of times - then wait for a full bow - reward that a few times - then don't reward that, but hold the food till his butt goes down.

For this one - quite big pieces of somethin like Devon sausage, that you can keep between your fingers so that he can lick it, but not get it. If he bounces up, just withhold the treat, and start again.

IMHO, patience is key here - and figuring out the position the food needs to be in - your hand will be on the ground, between his front paws and slightly back under his chest - trial and error will show you where it needs to be. Personally, I don't use my hand to persuade the butt to go down - for a variety of reasons - I feel it's better to wait the dog out, so that he has to do the figuring about what gets him the treat.

I teach this one in front, before trying it from the side.

Agree about the repeat treating while the dog is in position - you don't want him thinking he's got to get up to get another treat.

Hope that made sense.

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Still no luck.......he just doesn't get it.

He gets annoyed he can't get the treat when I try luring him down and so he just looses interest. I can't even get him to lure the front half down ........I have him on a lead at least so he can't run off now.

He seems to go...."oh this game, you want let me have the treat so I am not going to pay any attention.....I look there is a spot on the wall"

He doesn't have a very high food drive........which is hard work for me having only ever trained piggies that would do anything for a piece of cheese or kabana.

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Thanks wheres my rock.....

I am a long way from KCC......thanks anyway! I hope training on Sunday can enlighten the problem.....if not I may need to resort to the 'olde' methods for a bit and put him in the position.....until he understands what I want.

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