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Retrieving Dummies

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Specialised dog accessories. Unfortunately they are away at the moment. Are you in a hurry? Are, you more importantly, thinking about training and trialling in retriever trials??????? Are you buying a gundog?????? So many questions, sorry!!! The most difficult aspect of retriever trialling is finding suitable grounds which require travelling. All the same, very worthwhile, if you have a good prospect and training methods. A little madness helps also. Ummm....maybe a lot, especially in higher stakes.

Otherwise order directly from the US.

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no hurry havent got a dog yet

was looking at a ten month old but decided no

Im looking for a gsp but may be waiting a while

am planning to do retrieving and field

All your talk on here has got me fired up again lol

i agree on grounds but they are there if you look i'll probabaly wait for vicki thomas to bred her boy to something i like or Prue said she may breed next year either wy it culd be a long wait

Edited by wheres my rock
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I should imagine very dangerous. Just as silly as me with a loaded gun.

How are you going to enter retriever trials in Victoria, without a gun licence.

Regardless good luck. Retrieving trials, are the best fun, standing up. Frankly though training is more fun I reckon.

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it states in the rules that if you cannot get a license due to a disability you can have a shooter so i will be pushing that

last time i was told to just lie on the form for a gun license which i refused to do and so never pursued retrieving after that but oterwise i'll just go interstate however i dont think it will be an issue

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it states in the rules that if you cannot get a license due to a disability you can have a shooter so i will be pushing that

last time i was told to just lie on the form for a gun license which i refused to do and so never pursued retrieving after that but oterwise i'll just go interstate however i dont think it will be an issue

I have shot for people without a gun licence. As long as the dog is lined up correctly, I see no problem. I do not know your sight limitations (rough ground - mine you, I fell down a hole last Sunday on a walk up - dog number one, and I have normal AGED sight!!), delivery), and look forward to meeting you one day.

Go for it.

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yup i have enough trouble dealing with terrain but i would think hat someone would warn me if there was anything to sinister ahead

I cant see much in front of me which means my dog has to be strong and not need extra commands once he/she has left my side as i cannot give them if i cant see what is ahppening so we have to do a lot of ground work dunno about past novice yet

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