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Training 2 Staffy Pups

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Hi all

We have 2 eight month old staffy pups and our family walks are a nightmare! They pull on the leads as if possessed - for up to 40 minutes. The second we separate them, they are fine - perfectly heeling etc.

We have taken them to obedience training (although have slacked off lately) and the only advice was to train them separately. The problem is that when walking them together they turn into little devils.

So - keep up the group walks which are a nightmare for all or keep going with separate walks?



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A couple of dogs from the same household in our beginner obedience class also needed to be separated as one was extremely attached to the other.

Sorry, I'm no expert on training, but keeping them separate would have to be preferable to allowing 40 minutes of pulling? You don't allow them to pull for that long :scared: ?

The fact that they will only walk nicely under some circumstances (separately) lets you know both need more training. Our trainer says the phrase, "But they do it perfectly at home" (no distractions) always means owner and dog needs more work. Dog needs more practice paying attention to you ALL the time, including with distractions (the other pup).

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What sort of collar are you using?

We tried all sort of collars for our staffy, Choke chain, Gentle leader, No pull, Martingale and the only one that works the treat is a Prong training Collar.

You could also use part of that drive into your own benefit for training!!!


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Who is training each dog? You and partner? Just you? Does each pup have it's own handler and walker? Not sure of a prongs legality in S.A. Should'nt need one on a pup that age anyway.

Edited by dogdude
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Each dog should ideally have one handler and one walker (same for both). Your dogs will not see each of you with the same respect. Whoever is training and walking them should try and build a bond with that particular dog, or with both if it's just you.

You will need at least a year or two attending dog school to have a trained dog, and it is also important for socialising them as they mature.

Was there a reason that you stopped going?

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I am no expert but I wouldn't be putting a prong collar on an 8mo pup when other training aids haven't been tried, only a flat collar.

I think finding another training club and asking their advice on using a "correction" chain (they are certainly not "choke chains" when used correctly) or maybe they can suggest something better for that particular breed.

And I agree with PoodleWrangler and would walk them seperately until they learn to focus on the handler and learn more of the basics before giving them an oppurtunity of a pulling match.

Reward your pup each time it looks up at you, gives you some focus, when you are walking as well as when the pup does what you ask, heel, sit etc....

Good luck!!

And definately search for a better club and I would maybe even suggest that if the two are that inseperable that you either train at different times/days or at different clubs until they learn to work seperately before giving them that extra distraction!

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