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Red Raw And Sore Patch On Loki's Tummy


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Over the last week i have noticed a small red patch become quite large, its a oval shaped patch, that is right in the middle of his tummy where his penis touches his skin (over his belly button etc), it is slightly bigger than the size of two 50c pieces sitting side by side.

He doesnt seem to lick it or scratch at it, i think it might be some irritation to do with his urine? Its winter and hes curled up in a ball when hes sleeping, could it be caused by the end of his penis, which is normally moist, constantly sitting on his skin?

I have started treating it by cleaning it twice a day with betadine, and putting Bepanthen nappy rash cream on it (he doesnt lick it, and the tube says its an antiseptic thats good for rashes, etc)

Does anyone have any ideas on how i can fix this? I figured it might be something to do with his food making his Urine acidic or something, so i will be changing his food from Royal Canin back to Eagle Pack.



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It sounds very much like it is related to his penis. It also sounds like it could be some kind of antibacterial infection and that it is spreading. In which case, Bepathen probably won't do much good as it is akin to 'closing the door after the horse has bolted'. The Betadine, while great as an antispectic, will not kill a fungal or bacterial infection either or though it may slow it some.

If the two B's don't begin to make a difference within a few days or it actually gets worse I'd be off to the vet. If it is fungal then something like Neocort would be more suitable.

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