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When To Feed The Bigger Meal

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I feed the larger meal in the morning

I used to be a night feeder but with a change in work schedule I now feed my guys in the morning (BARF) and then at night after a walk etc they get a cup of dry kibble

I have noticed that they both have lost weight, gained muscle and do not fart as much

We still walk the same amount

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I feed the larger meal at night in the vain hope that it will make my epi sleep longer and not wake me up before 5am.... it never works but my brain won't let me not do it that way... where there is hope there is life *yawn*

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I feed the larger meal at night in the vain hope that it will make my epi sleep longer and not wake me up before 5am.... it never works but my brain won't let me not do it that way... where there is hope there is life *yawn*

5am? That is harsh! I thought Neko was bad waking us up at 7.30am on non-work days with her non stop "hey - get up" barking. The annoying part is that once we are up she jumps back in to bed to happily snooze the morning away!


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Guest Tiggy

I feed the bigger meal in the morning as they have raw meaty bones for breakfast which would take too long to eat in the evening. It's good for keeping them lean to as they excerise during the day rather than coming to bed looking like little fat piglets. It's better for evening training to. I give them one BARF Pattie for dinner.

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Mine are fed bigger meal in the morning and chicken carcass in the arvo, not later than 3.30pm.

I found mine where sleeping on there larger meals and became big fatty boombahs. Since changing them they dropped the weight off straight away.

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Mine get pretty well equal am & pm. Puggles maybe they are waking you up because they are desperate to go the loo after such a big dinner - just a thought!

They have a dog door so they can go out whenever they please to go to the loo. It is only one that wakes me and it is because of his epilpesy and the medication he is on. :wave:

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I aim for one satisfying meal a day. This usually includes a meaty bone in which case that's it. The timing can vary depending on what's happening but prefer not to give it at night, at least not in winter when the outside door is shut and I'd have to get up on request.

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