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Shirley Chong Retrieve


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Please tell me that this method works! All the steps are really trying my patience, lol. So far it is working as it is supposed to. Brock thinks it is quite interesting, he doesn't play retrieve so I am hoping this works. So many steps to it though!

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May I ask where abouts you are with the method? The reason I ask is that I have only just started trying this method with Stormy. She will happy take the dumbbell in her mouth... and chew it :thumbsup: I just need to remember to wear shoes when we train... the number of times that she has dropped it on my foot is painful.

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I used a 'modified' version of this with great success. I say modified because I didn't have the steps set out in front of me in writing, but basically went through them. I trained my totally disinterested Vizsla this way for Open obedience and on the way to his CDX title the retrieve was the one exercise he never failed :thumbsup: He has gone on to complete both Novice and Open gundog working tests as well which involve multiple retreives :thumbsup:

It does take patience, but it's worth it :rofl:

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I am up to putting the dumbbell on the ground.

He did do puppy retrieves very nicely but unfortunately my older dog has put him off. When playing together she likes to chase the other dog and not the toy. Pup has taken this to mean that he shouldn't be retrieving.

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Tia is similar so I let her do retrieving only when she is by herself. This method has worked for 4 dogs that I have worked with. Just work through the steps and don't rush them. Put a date on each step and tick it off as you go. It also teaches your dog to really understand how the clicker works. This method took about 4 weeks for Moses and Tia a bit longer for Josh. Once I did this method I also did the 2 toys game.

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I am currently working through this method with one of mine. He will retrieve anything i throw no worries, i am using it more for the return he tends to drop things at my feet so will only click when it is in my hand. He is getting better and will hold it until i put my hand down but i have no idea how i am going to incorporate the sit as well.

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We couldn't quite grasp mouthing the dumbell when it was on the ground today. I ended up holding it and gradually getting closer to the ground, then he got it. Seemed to get it alot quicker when his mate came over and thought she might get some treats too, lol.

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You really need to do this training one dog at a time.


The sit will come, I was very worried about this but it just happened on it's own, don't stress about the sit.

Trust me. :)

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Hey tollersowned,

What I did was back chain from the sit. Had the dog sitting in the perfect front position and handed dog the DB. Once they can do that and hold the DB for about 5 seconds then you can have them shuffle forwards a bit still in the sit. You just step a tiny way back. Eventually you ask them to shuffle further and you take more steps back. Have the dog walk around holding the DB too. Progress slowly and then eventually you may be able to get the sit in front and hold.

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Hey tollersowned,

What I did was back chain from the sit. Had the dog sitting in the perfect front position and handed dog the DB. Once they can do that and hold the DB for about 5 seconds then you can have them shuffle forwards a bit still in the sit. You just step a tiny way back. Eventually you ask them to shuffle further and you take more steps back. Have the dog walk around holding the DB too. Progress slowly and then eventually you may be able to get the sit in front and hold.

Thanks Ness :eek:

Will give method a whirl :eek:

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Your dog should have a good recall by this stage, after fetch command, and as soon as the dog has picked up the dumbell at distance, immediately give the "come" command.

Dog should sit front. Fade out come command by using more motivation once the penny drops. Also can speed up return. Use fast, exciting voice with commands in training.

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Tollersowned I had the same problem with Josh, so what you need to do is to go right back to the start of the program, start at step 1 even if your knows how to retrieve. There is a step where the dog will only put the dumbell in your hand if your hand is out, you need to work up to that step and tell the dog to sit and not put your hand out until he has sat. I actually emailed Shirley Chong about where to incorporate the sit and thats what she told me. You can try emailing her. Jules P when you train the dog in the steps put the other dog away totally because it can ruin the concentration on the dog you are working with. Just follow the steps, if the dog is not getting it it could be because you have rushed the step or you need to spend more time on the steps. I wouldn't go then trying something else I would keep following the steps and let the dog work it out. Some steps might take a couple of sessions. Here is a video of Tia taken today doing the two toys game, this is the dog that had no interest in a tennis ball.

Here is Tia at step 21 of the shirley chong retrieve.

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I've used this method with Diesel. The problem we are having is that he is really slow going out to get the dumbell once thrown. Once he picks it up he will come quickly and sit nicely etc, it is just the initial going out that he is slow. Any ideas?

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Will try the suggestions, thanks :eek:.

What he seems to think, is when coming back with the dumb bell and i say sit (hands behind back) that the retrieve exercise is finished and he can drop the dumb bell, then he will sit :eek: . I cant force him to hold it while putting him into position because he shuts down straight away.

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I have just been reading her site and my eyeballs nearly popped out when I read this sentence...."As a general rule of thumb, each step takes one to three training sessions to complete (a training session being 150 clicks or so)"

:cry: Does this mean what I think it means?........you repeat the step you are at 150 times per session????? :shakehead: .....WHY???

I don't use a clicker and when I am training dumbell, I only repeat each step I am at no more than three or four times per session and within 3 to 4 weeks my dogs are retrieving well.....so I am just interested to know 'why' when using a clicker you have to repeat it so many times??

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