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Litter Box/tray For Dogs?


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I see you've found what I posted in the other thread.

A few things, yes the fake grass does get smelly if you just leave it on the petloo. you must put it through the wash every few days or it will stink of stale urine. The tray I use is just the upside down lid from an underbed sized storage box or I also use the plastic tray out of a mid sized crate. I wouldn't use the whoe underbed storage box on wheels with holes drilled in the lid. One, why would you want to keep that much wee? empty it (or just change the towels underneath) every day. Two, a tray on wheels will scare the dog when the step on it and it skids under their weight. Then you'll never get them to use it.

So, mine cost me nothing as I already had the crate tray, the grass offcuts and the old towels. I reckon, even buying all the bits new, you'd do it for less than $50 and it will be as good as one of those petloos.

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I see you've found what I posted in the other thread.

A few things, yes the fake grass does get smelly if you just leave it on the petloo. you must put it through the wash every few days or it will stink of stale urine. The tray I use is just the upside down lid from an underbed sized storage box or I also use the plastic tray out of a mid sized crate. I wouldn't use the whoe underbed storage box on wheels with holes drilled in the lid. One, why would you want to keep that much wee? empty it (or just change the towels underneath) every day. Two, a tray on wheels will scare the dog when the step on it and it skids under their weight. Then you'll never get them to use it.

So, mine cost me nothing as I already had the crate tray, the grass offcuts and the old towels. I reckon, even buying all the bits new, you'd do it for less than $50 and it will be as good as one of those petloos.

I'm not so sure about putting the artificial turf through the washing machine though. I'd feel like I was 'dirtying' my washing machine if I chuck it in to wash, and even though it won't be washed with my clothes, my clothes do go through the same machine. It doesn't feel right somehow. Just flushing it with water won't help?

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I'm not so sure about putting the artificial turf through the washing machine though. I'd feel like I was 'dirtying' my washing machine if I chuck it in to wash, and even though it won't be washed with my clothes, my clothes do go through the same machine. It doesn't feel right somehow. Just flushing it with water won't help?

I have been washing my fake turf for over a year and a half and its not done any damage so far. you lose a few strands of plastic off the sides each time but that's all. It is no harder on the machine than doing the dogs bedding. Its also no yukkier than washing babies nappies etc. Clean of any gunk first (and mine aren't producing sloppy poos, they are on a good diet so the solids are easy to pick up and dispose of)

Wash it with biozet or something with an enzyme in it. I have never had any sort of residue left behind to contaminate the next wash, ever and I do alot of dog towels as well as loads of my clothes in between.

rinsing with water does not do enough to eradicate the stale urine smell and won't get rid of germs, you need to use biozet.

Don't use lawn sized pieces, use smaller ones which easily fit in the machine.


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I bought a petloo for about $360 about a year ago , they are great considering im not particularily handy i have a 40kg dog and he clued straight away, only problem is they were too big for my small house , ive heard a new smaller and cheaper model is coming out also.

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I haven't done it yet.....but I've been considering training the small dogs to use something like a very large kitty litter tray.

I'd like to find a really big but shallow tray (

Mita, try a kitchen/catering suppliers warehous for a large shallow oven tray.

Brilliant suggestion, Dru. I'd not thought of that.

I'd gone in another direction....looking at auto supply places, hoping to find a large shallow tray for collecting oil. But no luck.

But a catering warehouse would be full of large shallow trays....especially for use in commercial kitchens.

I'm still keen on using the Breeders Choice kitty litter....& like the idea of packing towel underneath as others have suggested. To provide a back-up soak-up & to stabilize the surface so the small dogs feel they're more on solid ground, rather than sinking into the kitty litter (yep, my small dogs are short-legged & one has a weight problem.)

Edited by mita
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