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Thanks to those of you who have tried to help me - I'm so technologically challenged! :rofl:

I will try to find some bigger pictures so you can work with them a bit easier. :rofl:

Ohh and thankyou Snap! that looks lovely - but I was actually looking for something abit like Risyntira's or Sivaros.

Sorry for being such a PITA :rofl:

Thanks again!!! :D

P.S Snap I am keeping the one you made for my little record book!! :)

Edited because I'm an idiot! :p

Edited by Joshua Grant
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No kennel name Yet! (any 6 weeks now :D )

The Bitches name is Monlaird Mystic Magic "Grace"

And I love the colour BLUE!! :rofl:

ETA: Is there any way you can get rid of that green plastic thing in the 1st photo?

Edited by Joshua Grant
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thanks snap. I posted a link a few pages back for a site with frames and back grounds you can use for free, but for you here it is again. If you aren't using PSP you can right click and save the details you like I use them like you would a picture. have fun looking, there are some really nice designs in there :rofl:

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Ohhh That's lovely - Thanks freckles -can I have 2 signiatures? :):rofl:

how do I get it on here?

ie how do I get my signiature onto my control panel thingy? :o

ETA: Freckles can I be a PITA and get you to take off the head pic in the bottom left? then I can use it for my record book and as a double with snaps!!! LOL

Edited by Joshua Grant
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I just thought it was a bit dark and the dog was lost in the back ground so I lightened it a bit so she stands out a touch more, what do think?


I can change anything you don't like JG no worries, but is it just the head shot on the right or the body shot on the left? sorry I'm a touch tired and don't want to remove the wrong pic

Edited by Freckles
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just the head shot on the far right hand bottom corner thanks Freckles - You're a God send! :rofl:

P.S I like it really dark! :)

ETA: could I be a really big pain and get you to put the name in : Monlaird Mystic Magic - "Grace"? thanks for putting up with me!

Edited by Joshua Grant
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Harminee you cease to amaze me. That is fantastic.

Risyntira, woohoo they are coming along fantastic. Love your puppy one, so cute.

Freckles well you know what I think of your work :rofl:

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