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Teaching 'speak'


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As someone else said, the free shaping did it for us. Out of frustration, Jack let out a fairly soft, muffled, whingey "woof". I clicked and treated, and now that's his was to speak.

It's proving fantastic for us, because he's a real barker, but now he's learning to give this subdued sound instead :confused:

My husband isn't liking it much, though, because he's started to "speak" the moment we put our cutlery down after dinner ... he knows it's his turn next, and if we ignore him for too long (according to Jack) he'll give us a good talking to :rofl:

We're working on "quiet", too, and that's working well with the clicker training.

I find winter in Canberra is the perfect time to work on all this. It's too cold to play outside by the time we get home from work, but some clicking inside gets Jack in a total frenzy to please us. He loves it.

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