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Throwing Food Pls Explain!


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thast where the clicker some in or verbal marker it gives you the oppurtunity to reward after the event but the event has been marked

Really!!!!!! Geeeeeee.

Having a bit of fun, after all its Friday night.

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one thing i hate at club is everyone only seems to reward when told to not when they need to exercise finished praise you dog and the dog could have done crap

Yeah well.......they probably think by praising they are keeping the dogs interest, rather than simply confusing their dog. Timing as we all know is very important.

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I would imagine your dogs are like mine ( but your's are much better trained) food is good but nothing beats the throw of the toy and you can shove the food where it well and truly fits.

My favourite saying is 'control the game, control the dog' but I am struggling with the rules..... :)

So my main problem is,

Both of my dogs love to retrieve, they are obsessed.

I cannot for the life of me work out how to get them to understand the toy must come to my hand.

I am sure that the pups think (they are almost 12 months old) picking it up at my feet and dropping it again is rewarding as they get to watch it move. They will happily sit there for quite a while staring at the item and willing it to move. If I ignore them they will pick it up (eventually) and put it on the chair I am sitting on but they can't seem to get that I want it in my hand.

I have mucked around heaps with the clicker but I believe they are in such high drive for the toy that they don't learn the concept.

Any clues or help would be so greatly appreciated as it seems stupid not to utilise this high rewarding behaviour.

Retrieve desperate


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They will happily sit there for quite a while staring at the item Pax

There you go Pax. By sitting " there " happily they think this is one part of the chain.

Break it down. As we would do with a young pup.

I will send you an Email.

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Maybe the drive thing is why this isn't working for me! Brock just wants to be with me. He is glued to me. Will not leave to go and chase a toy, or food. Walking off lead he only goes about a metre away. Retrieve is going to be very interesting. Sending away, don't even want to think about it.

I was only tossing the food a couple of inches in front of his nose and he still wasn't too happy in going after it! I was using verbal encouragement for him to go get it too!

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ingrained :D

Hmmm Ness - when are we going to Perth??

LP, get in line, I am Ness's bag carrier, travelling companion and worshipper of the Border Collie. :thumbsup:

Aw - c'mon now - everybody knows i'm the most fun to be around :D

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