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Bite Wounds

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My dog was attacked and has a bite wound at the back of his face- look like 2 punctures. The area also looks slightly swollen. He's a standard poodle and was held down by a similar size dog for a few minutes.

I've washed the area with warm salty water and he seems otherwise OK.

He's booked to be desexed Thurs. Should I take him to the vet before then?

My other dog has had a bite wound on the body which healed fine, but other than that, I've no experience with this :D ?

Edited by Poodle wrangler
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Last time we had an incident vet told me to wash tooth puncture with warm salty water and peel scab off everyday for 3 days (then wash with more warm and salty water) to prevent an infection.

For scratches or bite marks (ir no puncture) I was told to put iodine on the wound.

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Mine always get put on antibiotics by the vets - lots of bacteria in mouths which then get into wounds, but if you keep a really close eye on it and wash it well, you might get away with it.

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I agree with the salt water treatment - just keep the wound open so it can heal from the inside out. This works wonders for cat bites too and their claws and teeth cause revolting infections if left to fester. How's your dog in itself ? I hope he's ok.

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I agree with the salt water treatment - just keep the wound open so it can heal from the inside out. This works wonders for cat bites too and their claws and teeth cause revolting infections if left to fester. How's your dog in itself ? I hope he's ok.

Thanks. He seems fine. He's the most good-natured, laid-back, friendly dog :laugh: .

I'm really angry with my sister's dog, though- inflictor of wound. All Charlie did was approach him in a friendly way. My sister's dogs has attacked my older dog in the past, though my dog did the "wrong" thing and stole his bone. He's also bitten at least 3 people I know of. I can't allow either my dogs or children near him when I visit my parents as his temperament is unreliable. He's a ?RidgebackX Staffy over 20kg, so can be hard to manage with his strength and minimal training. I'm considering his future :D .

It looks worse this morning and more swollen. Off to the vets, just in case ...

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Poor Charlie - let us know how he goes. My dad had my ACD's half sister - talk about "chalk and cheese" :D My girl was the sweetest thing and would be minding her own business before being set upon by Dad's dog. It never got any better and I hated going for visits in the end. Good luck Poodle Wrangler - your boy sounds lovely :laugh:

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The vet said there's an abscess developing underneath and fluid sitting under the skin, so Charlie's having antibiotics and warm compresses to help bring out the fluid etc. in there. Charlie's booked to be desexed Thursday, so the vet is going to look at it then and lance and irrigate while he's under anaesthetic, if needed. Didn't think it necessary yet.

He's been good and he'll be back to obedience Wednesday night to socialise with lots of friendly dogs :rofl: .

I'm going to ask that the dog goes to my sister's house when we visit so ther's zero contact possible (I'm considering this attack a warning).

It's both my dogs and kids I'm concerned about and the "keeping them separate" plan, at my parent's, is too likely to fail at some point.

Thanks, everyone :rofl:

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I'm really angry with my sister's dog, though- inflictor of wound. All Charlie did was approach him in a friendly way. My sister's dogs has attacked my older dog in the past, though my dog did the "wrong" thing and stole his bone. He's also bitten at least 3 people I know of. I can't allow either my dogs or children near him when I visit my parents as his temperament is unreliable. He's a ?RidgebackX Staffy over 20kg, so can be hard to manage with his strength and minimal training. I'm considering his future :rofl: .

It looks worse this morning and more swollen. Off to the vets, just in case ...

why is this dog still alive?

A dog that has bitten a person should be pts - Why didnt the people report the attacks?

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Try bathing it with Collodial Silver a natural anti biotic

was going to suggest the colloidal silver as well.

I used it to treat a sore on one of my dogs tails several months ago and it healed very quickly

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why is this dog still alive?

A dog that has bitten a person should be pts - Why didnt the people report the attacks?

I think any dog that bites should have only one chance of rehab with a behaviourist or trainer and lots of hard work from owner. What's the saying, "Only bad people keep bad dogs" ?

I think her dog has an unreliable temperament and she is not with him often enough to rehabilitate him (fulltime work and active social life). My parents are too frail to even walk him, sister does this 4-5 times/ week. He's not obviously spoiled, and spends time with them inside and outside.

He's been to the vet recently for a checkup and vaccs. and has no identified medical condition to explain his behaviour. In retrospect, he wasn't the best choice from the pound, but we liked him :rofl: . He's now ~8 years old and I think they should consider PTS. He was onleash when he attacked and a fit 80kg man couldn't hold him back. As it was, he ended up dragging my dog with him, making the injury worse :rofl: . Unfortunately, the dog's fighting fit.

We were very lucky that the worker he bit didn't sue. I was visiting as my Mum was in hospital and both my Dad and I apologised profusely. I think he was kind and felt sorry for my Dad. Other people he's bitten- one was a friend of my sister, other my Dad, so didn't report.

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You jinxed me, i have been doing the same with Atlas :)

found another cut on his head last night, pulled the scab off and sooo much puss came out (doesnt look infected).

Just had another go at it, yummm

bloody dogs!!

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Charlie got desexed today and vet opened up it (developing abscess) up to let it drain as he was under anaesthetic. It was getting harder and more difficult to drain. Keep an eye on Atlas, tb, as this was WITH antibiotics from the morning after the bite occurred. Poor bloke:


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ouchie, Ats isnt that bad - just a little cut, with puss in it :(:)

pulled the top offit and all looks good, poor boy!

Kaos has 2 that are also fine, nothing looks infected so im not too worried about them :D

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ouchie, Ats isnt that bad - just a little cut, with puss in it :(:)

pulled the top offit and all looks good, poor boy!

Kaos has 2 that are also fine, nothing looks infected so im not too worried about them :D

It looked better b4- was initially only 2 puncture holes. This was after the vet got to it.

All the action was going on underneath with the abscess developing quickly from Monday lunchtime (bite) to this morning.

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