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The "hide Your Face" Trick


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I have seen some dogs perform the "Hide your face" trick and would love to teach my Goldie this trick but don't know where to start.

Normally if I can lead him into it he will pick it up very quickly but I have no idea how I will get him to raise his paw to his face.

Any advice would be great! Thanks!

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I use a piece of sticky tape to encourage it, you get the dog to sit, put a small piece of tape just below the dogs eye, they automatically use their paw to wipe it off, you eventually phase it out and extend the time the dog has to have its paw their to get the reward.

Hope that helps!

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Sticky tape on the face as WADT has already mentioned or a loop of lead or rope around muzzle works similarly as well, click & treat when the paw touches & gradually phase out the lead/rope.

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OMG you guys are pure genius!!!! I did not think of sticky tape!!! Last thing I would have thought of!!!!!!

I racked and racked my brain and just thought “its not natural for him to raise his paws!”

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Lightly blowing in the dogs face can work too, but if your dog is scared or worried about it, don't do it.

ive done this with toby my fluffy boy, and i say shy,, he covers his face, looks very cute.. but will have to try sticky tape with remy, the blowing makes him run backwards,.lol

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This trick???

LOL - I used the sticky tape - use something like duck tape- it doesn't pull the hair out :D. C&T when they "touch" the nose.... i'm still working on duration :laugh:

If I blew in his face I got this response:


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He he, gorgeous Leo in action again :rofl: This trick sounds great. It isn't one I've taught and like the socks one I'm going to give it a go!!! I bet this would work for 'rabbit ears' too if the tape was put behind.

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i heard about the sticky tape thing, i tried it with buster, he swips at his face once, then i click but he's not waitting for food he's now rolling on the ground trying ot get this AHH STICKY THING! off his face. lol

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Sticky tape method never worked for Moses, he thought the idea of the game was for him to get the tape off. I blew very lightly near his ear, and he swiped when I blew, and I immediately c/t. Then a little bit later if I had my mouth open he would start pawing over his face. I have always found the duration hard. I asked Mary Ray how she taught her dogs and she said the "blow in the face" method, but she also said it doesn;t suit all dogs, and that she didn't put it in her book for that reason, if I do it to Tia she will run and hide, so I won't perservere with that method but use another. Josh can catch a biscuit off the end of his nose.

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i heard about the sticky tape thing, i tried it with buster, he swips at his face once, then i click but he's not waitting for food he's now rolling on the ground trying ot get this AHH STICKY THING! off his face. lol

Try and use something 'less sticky' - so he can succeed at 'knocking' it off.... otherwise try the blowing :laugh:

duck tape/ masking tape dulled (stuck onto your skin and ripped off a few times) works well :rofl:

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With some dogs if you blow in their face you are likely to get teeth marks in your nose :laugh: as lots of dogs get agro about that.

I found the stupid sticky tape wouldnt stick at all :rofl: - but I ended up teaching another trick from it :o .

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I've never tried it - but could you use a paw target if the dog was in a drop?

Kind of like 'crossing paws' but chaining behaviours ie: head down, paw across???

Now you've gone past my field of expertise :laugh: what is a paw target?

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I've never tried it - but could you use a paw target if the dog was in a drop?

Kind of like 'crossing paws' but chaining behaviours ie: head down, paw across???

Now you've gone past my field of expertise :laugh: what is a paw target?

LOL - getting the dog to touch a target with his paw - like a nose touch. I usually use a 'tin food lid' and get them to 'hit' that.... you can get them to move their paw anywhere (well... thats physically possible) by asking them to 'paw' the target :o.... it's fun!

now - if only I knew how to do this "peter rabbit" thing I saw a fellow trainer do with her dog...... :rofl:

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