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Two's Company Or Double Trouble?


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Yeah - I'm sure that having two pups would be fine if you have a lot of time and attention to devote to them as well as experience with pups; especially the breed you are going to have. I couldn't have handled two puppy huskies last year when I bought Tesha, but now that I have experience with her development I think I might be able to handle it (But do I want to? haha)

Maybe you could look at rescuing an older dog? Although you'd have to be careful not to get one that has too many problems that would divert your attention from your lil pup.

Now that Tesha is 17 months, I am getting another puppy because she is so much happier with other dogs (And I personally would love another one to dote upon) it all depends upon your situation and what you feel you can handle.

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Oh Yeah!! Go the double trouble :)

We kept two pups from our littler - I can show you double trouble :rofl:

No gardens, no covers left on dog beds, can't always get out the back door, can't kennel them all day because they howl and yelp.

But the good side is we are having a great time with them, we now have 4 labradors, our boy, the two girls and thier mother.

It does mean extra toast for breakfast :rofl:

We have had to keep a really old 3 seater lounge so OH can nurse 4 dogs at once :p

OH does have to go for 2 walks every night - big dog grade and puppy grade :eek:

Would we have it any other way NO.

Lets face it, if you can afford it, can spare the time and energy and have the room go for it. My only advice woul dbe avoid litter partners - ours do have that rough play sorting our the top of the ladder bit happening at teh moment - teh neighbours are sure they are fighting to the death.

Go to puppy schools, go to the park,visit lots of ppl with dogs, walk around at obedience clubs, dog shows etc and maybe wait until he is 6 months old then get anohter, but order now if you have to. :D Everything goes better in twos - ppl, goldfish, birds - why not dogs :laugh:

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Ive only ever had one dog at a time when younger but now have 2. Got the pup first, then 3 yr old when pup was 6 months. Great fun, but miss 3 sometimes needs time out to chill from baby face :laugh:

Pup is well mannered but luckily miss 3 is better mannered, so pup seems to be learning from her too :p its a great leaning curve for us too, In saying that I dont know if I could handle 2 puppies togehter :eek: Good luck with whatever you decide :)

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