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Does Puppy Know When Weekends Are?


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I was just wondering if dogs know when the weekend is?

I know they are creatures of habit but yesterday I had a day off sick. Jedda thought I had left with her Daddy at the usual time but I was still in bed. When I came downstairs at 11am and she woke up and realised I was home, she wen't nuts. Even though I played with her in intervals, she would not settle and sat at the back door and barked at me all day!!

Could she sense I was sick or was it just the change in routine???

She doesn't sit at the back door and bark on the weekends when we are home, just yesterday and she drove me nuts! It was such a miserable day with rain that we couldn't walk and I was sick anyway.

I ended up putting her in the car and going for a drive to the pet shop to buy her a raincoat and a toy!

When it got to 6pm when we usually get home, and the usual routine kicked back in, she switched back to "normal Jedda" and played and say outside like a good girl, not barking at all.

??? Has anyone had the same thing happen.

This is more of a curiousity thing than a problem, although next time I am sick I may just come to work!!!

Cheers, Kylie & Jedda

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I'm not going to be much help, but our guys are just the opposite. If we are home and we aren't meant to be they don't really want to know. When we are home and it is 'their time', look out if we aren't front and centre.... :thumbsup:

Perhaps Jedda just wanted the extra attention because of the rain - I know my guys haven't seen much of it and they have been a bit weird for the last couple of days.

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When I am sick my dogs are with me 24/7, I currently have the flu and both sat in the shower last night

Lots of dogs need their routine exactly the same, when it changes it upset them

I would say she loves you and just wanted to be with you

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I would suggest it was the change in routine that upset her. Routine is not a good thing fro dogs as we can't adhere to it reliably enough and the dog can't explain why we are late/ at home etc. My dogs have no routine, no expectations and love it.

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