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Goodbye Old Friend


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Tomorrow my brother has to do the hardest thing, he has to take his 14 yr old staffy Rocky to the vets to be PTS.

I am in tears as I write this as he is one of the best dogs I have ever met, he was even giving my 2 year old kisses when we went over tonight to say goodbye :)

He has cancer and unfortunately my brother has no choice, his 7 yr old son came over to say goodbye as well. I hate seeing both of them so devastated and not being able to do anything

Goodbye old man, you will definately be missed and remembered :scold:

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Thanks TB

Rocky is truly my brothers heartdog and a second father to my nephew, once my exsil thought that my nephew was asleep and someone had left both the backdoor and rollerdoor open (I think nephew was just over 3 at this point). He got himself out of bed, out of the house and down the road, the dog followed, he would have been a block away (thankgod he didnt cross any roads) and these people in a car stopped to check on him. Rock wouldnt let them closer than 1 meter to him and herded him home. Scared the living crap out of my brother who had just got home and saw his 3 yr old and his dog walking up the street followed at a distance by 3 strangers

He is one dog that I (almost) implicitly trust with my kids, I just cant believe after 5 today he isnt going to be here :)

I have offered to go with him to the vets so my brother isnt alone afterwards but he isnt sure yet. I dont know how to help him, not used to seeing him in tears (from memory this would be the 2nd time I have ever seen him cry)

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You just have to let your brother deal with this in his own way - It broke my heart when i held my boy as he left us, But I knew we were doing the right thing. I grieved, but at the same time knew it was for the best.

Will be thinking of you at 5


I have asked that my old boy be at the bridge to meet Rocky

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