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Leopuppy - How Did You Go?

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WE DID IT!!! WE DID IT!!!!! :) ;) :eek:

Apparently the afternoon trial was a better shot (although his heeling was shocking in the fig 8 - lagging and missed a sit.... well that was the handlers fault for literally stopping dead when the judge called 'halt', not giving Leo a chance to respond!).

But unlike the arvo - he decided to hold the sit stay :thumbsup:

Ended up with a pass of 183 (heeling is where he lost most points :eek:!) and 1st place!!!!!

lol - I looked for you when I had put Leo back after stays at the AM trial but you were gone :o

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He seemed a little stressed in the sit and kept shifting his front feet when you were walking away, like lifting one then the other? Dont know why.

Yeah i had to leave unfortunately, have to catch up properly one day :thumbsup:

Congrats again :)

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yes - we'll have to go back to practicing a lot of stays (sits) and recalls (and fig 8s!) as he was doing the same thing in the PM trial....

who knows - perhaps it was coz he was focussing on me so well in the AM trial before the stays (perfect focus!) that he wanted to come and heel?!!?!

ETA: thanks for the congrats :thumbsup:

Edited by leopuppy04
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well done leopuppy at least leo passed 1 trial - Ness on the other hand seems to find passing a trial in South Australia very difficult. We failed again today due to anticipation of the retrieve on the flat in open. Little devil dog. For any of you video obedience nutts I have posted my video under the obedience videos section.

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Bridgie cat - it was our novice title (CD)!!!!

Thanks to everyone for the congrats! I must say i'm still a little taken-aback that we already have our CD having got our first Novice pass only 3 wks ago!!!

Not to mention he gained this title with 2 1sts and a 2nd!!!!

Ok - brag time over.... i'm just such a happy mum!!! :rofl:!

Edited by leopuppy04
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