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My Life Just Got A Whole Lot Easier...


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Hi everyone,

I just wanted to share my proud "mum" moment of this morning!

I have to date not trusted Jak on the stairs at my place. Unfortunately going down the stairs is the only way to access the backyard, so since I first got her I have been putting newspaper down in a corner of the dining room for her to do her business. Well she poos there (and only there), but for some reason she will just squat wherever she happens to be at the time the urge presents.

Anyway, I had decided that this morning I would put her out in the yard by herself and block off the stairs (I have a couple of baby gates). The problem is is that whenever I have done this in the past, she has a run around for a little bit but always comes back to the bottom of the stairs looking for me and when I don't appear she cries like crazy until I appear again.

So.... I just opened up the back door and let her out. She followed me down the stairs no problem (she's been going up them ok for a while now but I haven't allowed her to go down them - big gaps, possible falls and injuries!). She followed me back up the stairs, and I just sat down at the top of them. She desperately wanted to back down, but was a bit cautious to start off with, but since then, she's been going in and out, up and down at her own free will. YAY!!! So yes, I'm proud.

As a result, my life just got a whole lot easier in terms of housetraining. She can now have free access to the yard. I've removed all the newspaper (looks a whole lot better too! haha). She already seems a lot happier at her newfound freedom :confused:

Anyway, just wanted to share....

Rhi & Free Jak

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With me, yes! haha.

I took her to my friend's place yesterday for a play date, she's been there once before and played with his two cattle dogs for hours. His dog Ellie is the playful one whereas Lucy is the leader and therefore the dominant one. The first time I took her there she played with Ellie and respected Lucy's position as the leader and was submissive around her.

Yesterday though was a different story. Jak seemed to rebel against Lucy's leadership status and got quite snarly with her a few times, especially around her face. Each time I put her into her kennel cab. I was quite shocked, and so was my friend! It was certainly a different side of her we hadn't seen. She's always been so good with other dogs.

Not sure what to do now, really.

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