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Where To Put My Crate At Night ?


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We will be getting a new pup at the end of the month and I have decided to try crate training her ( after lots of positive comments here ! )

While we are home we are more than happy for the dog to be inside with us . but i would eventually like for the dog to sleep in the garage with a doggy door so that she may access our back yard .

But when she arrives although I will have her crate inside during the day time where should I put it at night ? In the garage where I eventually want her to be or inside for a period of time until she adjusts to her new enviroment ? And if inside , should she be next to my bed or in the living room where her crate will have been during the day ?

Edited by hazel
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Lots of people will tell you that you need to train your pup to sleep where you intend it to sleep when older. I won't say much more on this as I am having problems with my puppy's crate training (I've only had her a week and she's hard-headed) and it would be wrong for me to give advice to you.

Good luck in this.

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Firstly i want to say that this is my OPINION only.

If you are going to crate train a pup, you need the crate to be easily accessible to you.

This is because a pup needs to go to the loo over night as they are little and often cannot hold for 8hours at a time.

Either put the pup in the crate in your room or in your lounge if you intend on having the pup house trained.

Do this until the pup can reliably hold all night.

A pup will probably need ot be taken out twice or three times a night for the first couple of weeks.

but look for signs. Sniffing, whimpering etc.

With my pup, they get taken ourtside when the wander around or start sniffing.

They go before we go to bed, whenever that is, and then are put inthe crate. Hunta who is 5.5mo may or may not wake up durting the night. Rarely now. When she did it was baout 2-3am. Took her out and straight back in the crate until we got up and then out immediately for her morning wee.


use the crate during the day inside to toilet train inside.

Put the pup in the garage andhave paper down.

However from personal experience i have the crates in my room. That way you can hear when the pup needs to go to the loo and take them. Quicker training and less accidents for all involved.

If they are in teh garage in teh crate you are forcing them to go in their bed as they can;t get out. If you leave the crate open you are not really encouraging them that the crate is a good place.

Hope i made sense.

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Makes sense to me Kristie!

Jak sleeps in her crate in my bedroom - that way I hear her during the night. She wakes up twice a night with me. I usually put her to bed between 9 and 9.30 and she usually wakes between midnight and 1 and then again anywhere from 3 til 5. The second time she wakes up I put her in bed with me and she sleeps through until my alarm goes off (after she's had a wee of course haha!).

That's just how I do it though - I seem to be able to function then. Before this she had me up way too often (hence my can't survive on latte's and no sleep thread haha). By putting her in with me we get some "close" time as she snuggles up on my shoulder, it's sweet.

I was using earplugs to start with (with her in her crate), but I don't think I heard her and she pee'd in there. Better to be able to hear them I think :-)

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Just a sugestion:

I am seeing that you have a jack russell? I do too.

We have had her sleep in bed with us since about 5mo when she stopped peeing during the night.

We are now having to do some very tough love and put her back in the crate most nights as she got an attitude that she was allowed to growl at us when she was on teh bed.

The suggestion is NEVER gove her a treat when she is on the bed. No way no how. I think that is part of our issue,

THe other part is she decided she was the same as us cause she was on teh bed and in teh bed with us.

She saw herself as equal.

We are about to get a behaviouralist in to help us retrain her to know her place.

So make sure that if you say 'down' she does it. You make her do it.

And sometimes don;t put her in your bed so she does not expect it.

Hope some of this stops you having to deal with what we are at the moment.


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Kristie: This is what I'm having to do with MY pushy pup.

She demands attention and as I share a house, I'd get up at stupid hours of the night to take her to bed with me so we'd have some quiet time. I was fostering her sense of equality whenever she was testing the boundaries.

I'm lucky, I've only had her a week and she's only 14 wks old. So at least I can de-program her.

It just means that I had to buy a bulk supply of ear plugs and completely ignore her wailing for attention.

It's hard!

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Just a sugestion:

I am seeing that you have a jack russell? I do too.

We have had her sleep in bed with us since about 5mo when she stopped peeing during the night.

We are now having to do some very tough love and put her back in the crate most nights as she got an attitude that she was allowed to growl at us when she was on teh bed.

The suggestion is NEVER gove her a treat when she is on the bed. No way no how. I think that is part of our issue,

THe other part is she decided she was the same as us cause she was on teh bed and in teh bed with us.

She saw herself as equal.

We are about to get a behaviouralist in to help us retrain her to know her place.

So make sure that if you say 'down' she does it. You make her do it.

And sometimes don;t put her in your bed so she does not expect it.

Hope some of this stops you having to deal with what we are at the moment.


Thanks Kristie - I don't give Jak a treat when she's on my bed, and I don't plan to which sounds like a good thing! haha. I think JR's especially seem to have an issue with just who is in charge - this is my third and my other two have certainly had this issue. Tough love seems the way to go with the breed! Then you can reap the rewards of incredibly loyalty... :-)

During the week I put her in bed with me, but only between the hours of 3 and 5 am. I need my sleep too. Weekends I leave her in her crate. She seems to get that.

I'd be interested to hear how you go with the behavourist! Please make a follow up post or PM me. Ta :-)

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I will.

I am more worried about it than my hubby. He thinks she is cute. She is but i will not put up with that behaviour. Just not on.

She is in her crate having a pig ear because she want to kill everyone when she has one. That includes me :confused:

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I dont think it is as important to have a crate in the one spot, as they feel safe in it, i dont feel it is as bad when moved around?

My dogs started in my room as puppies (so i could hearifthey needed out) And once through the night, they got moved, first into the loungeroom (as a new coffee table..) Then into the spare bedroom. They now have the crates in the loungeroom in the new house.

I have not had my dogs crated at night fora while,they sometimes go in there, but usually end up in bed with me.

I posted a while ago about toilet trouble with kaos, and she has started pooping in the house at night again. so she is back in the crate for the moment.

I also know a Doler who has put a plank off wood over the bath tub, and both crates sit on that, as they dont use the bath.

Good luck!

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thanks for suggestions ... although still not sure what I will do .

Do not want to be too tough on a new pup , but also know that I ultimatly want her sleeping in the garage ...

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I'm mailing as the veteran of 2 nights with a puppy and a crate (and a 12 year old that was never crate trained). I have the crate in my bedroom, so when she wakes I can hear her and take her to toilet, then back into crate afterwards. During the day the crate is in the family area (we feed her in it) and when we are out it blocks the doorway of our bathroom (her current space until she is a bit older and Tali gets used to her). This seems to be working well - she goes in and out as it suits her (hides in there with the fetch ball!).

Hoping that we'll be able to move the crate around wherever once she is used to it, so that she can come on holidays with us and still have "her" space.

Fingers crossed; if you find you are more relaxed with her in the garage, then try her there, but if it is too disturbing (for us the garage would cause complaints from our neighbors) then try her somewhere else but make sure the crate is fun for her wherever it is.

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I also know a Doler who has put a plank off wood over the bath tub, and both crates sit on that, as they dont use the bath.

Thats me! our 2 are in the bathroom connected to our bedroom, on top of the bath, its out of the way, and still close enough so that we know if there is a problem


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I also know a Doler who has put a plank off wood over the bath tub, and both crates sit on that, as they dont use the bath.

Thats me! our 2 are in the bathroom connected to our bedroom, on top of the bath, its out of the way, and still close enough so that we know if there is a problem


:) :D :eek:

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