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Hate Hate Hates The Crate!


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It's so hard to give tough love, but we are seeing some success.

When I get home, I completely ignore her in her play pen until she is quiet (it only took 5 minutes yesterday), then I wait a little longer before walking over and opening the pen without a word. No big happy reunions.

No more getting on the couch until I say ok, and no begging.

Also, I'm not sure if it's helping, but I've started on obedience training in the afternoons:

1) to assert my authority and have a positive relationship with Tahni

2) to tire her out mentally

3) so her 'us' time is positive and develops skills for her to communicate in a more appropriate way.

Played til she dropped last night and then put her to bed. She didn't make a peep till she woke up again at 11. Nobody came to her aid and it only lasted 5 minutes.

I think she's getting it!

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Well done.

just make sure that if she wakes it is not casue she needs the loo.

ie wait 5 and if she still is carrying on take her to the loo and then straight back to bed. No playing etc.

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Are you putting a blanket or something like that over her crate when you put her in there for the night? Worked wonders for Jak. She howled the house down (and neighborhood for that matter) so I came on here looking for help and got that suggestion. I couldn't believe how simple and effective it was!

Good luck, and persevere :-)

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Hi Rhi-

My baby is sleeping like a little trooper now. I think some of it may have been from her 2nd vaccination- the day after that happened, was the start of some of the noisiest and crankiest nights for her. Now it's all settled down and we've got her bed routine down pat, she whines when I put her to bed (but never for more than 2 min) then sleeps right through the night. She gets up to do her own toilet breaks as she's in her playpen which is large enough for her sleeping crate and toys AND toilet papers, so there are no more sleepless nights.

Thank goodness hey?!

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