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Extremely Hyperacyive Puppy


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Hey everyone,

I met my aunty a couple of weeks ago and she is about to take her puppy to an animal shelter because it is SO HYPERACTIVE. I talked her out of it but she really doesnt know what she can do with it.

It has bitten her children and actually wont stay still for any amount of time to even ATTEMPT to train it. It is only 12 weeks old! I really want to fix this puppy for her though!

Really don't know what else to do. I told her to change its food, nothing. Try training (strict with food and lack of attention, nothing) confinement (in a crate) doesnt work either! It is honestly the most hyper puppy I have ever met and I have met ALOT of puppies (including having one of my own once!)

Any advice would be great thanks!!!!!

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What breed is it?

Where did she get i?

If she got it from a decent breeder the breeder will take it back.

If I was ignored, misunderstood and crated to keep me quiet, I'd probably be pretty "hyperactive" too.

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Let me guess, not house reared or handled a lot? Any idea how old it was when it was weaned or separated from its littermates or what the GSD is crossed with?

Is the pup actually biting (ie drawing blood) or mouthing the kids? How old are the kids?

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Apparently it was still with the litter mates and mum when it was gotten. They don't know what is it crossed with...possibly kelpie??? It growls at the kids and has drawn blood twice by snapping. The kids are about 8 and 9 and they are always supervised when they are with the pup. It has also shown aggression to other dogs!!!

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OK, this sounds serious.

Get a decent behaviouralist in. I'd not be happy with a pup displaying this kind of behaviour at this age and I'd want a qualified professional assessment of what is going on before making a decision as to the pup's future.

I wonder how much the 'breeder' interacted with the litter.

What prompted your aunt to buy this pup? :rofl:

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OK, this sounds serious.

Get a decent behaviouralist in. I'd not be happy with a pup displaying this kind of behaviour at this age and I'd want a qualified professional assessment of what is going on before making a decision as to the pup's future.

I wonder how much the 'breeder' interacted with the litter.

What prompted your aunt to buy this pup? :rofl:

Absolutely spot on PF. This is not something that can be sorted out on a forum - please get a good behaviourist and quickly.

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This is a serious problem, thanks so much for taking this seriously :rofl: terrorbull...you obviously pick and choose what you want to help. Thanks

People here give amazing, selfless help but if you abuse it, even once, it's fair enough for them not to take you seriously anymore. I think you should try to earn their trust rather then criticise them if you ever want to get any help.

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My staffy x ? pup displayed this behaviour in the early days. She was a rescue who had been badly handled. We got her at 6 weeks and she snapped her way through the first 3 weeks at my kids aged 4 and 9. At the end of my tether, (debating whether to give her up) I got professional advice and some good strong training (for me and the kids more than the dog, to be honest) did the trick, Now she is very good with the kids (she is now 6 months old) but still requires firm consistent training (so do the kids BTW) I was advised about the dominance issue, get the kids to feed her, feed her last, wait outside the door till everyone else in etc. its working for me. Good luck with pup.

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Canine 20 April

I'm new to this forum and am now based in Brisbane. I am just letting everyone know that I have a few people available to foster puppies and dogs.

I currently have the 5 rescue pups from ipswich and they are doing great!

Canine 25 April

I have been reading lately that there are HEAPS of pups and dogs needing help in Sydney pounds all the time, its heartbreaking!

I am available to care for some of them, but obviously I am based in Brisbane and thats a bit of a problem being able to get them from Sydney.

Just thought if it was worth trying to transport ones that REALLY need help, especially pups and younger dogs!? Any ideas?

Canine 21 May

Female, undesexed, recently lost a litter, approx 9 years old, gingervitis, conjunctavitis (spelling) has to get 8 teeth removed its that bad. PETRIFIED of people, especially males, 3 tumours (1 malignant), worms including ringworm.

Male, approx 4 years old, undesexed, ALSO petrified (more so then the female) of ALL people and dogs, HORRIBLE teeth as well, 1 BLACK eye (probably from trauma) and wait for it...a Broken front paw thats been broken in not 1 but 3 places!!

These dogs are probably the worst I have seen for a long time and I don't understand how these people can continue breeding. They have since moved and I have no idea where they are.

Also while I'm typing, anyone know how to make the dogs less shy? They are so scared.

Canine 25 May

Hi Everyone,

I have a rescue cocker that I need to find a foster home for probably until about July.

He is 7 years old (approx). The reason I can't foster until then is because he isn't keen on other dogs and my kennels are too scary for him. So in fairness to him I need to place him in a home where there are probably no dogs (or at least no rowdy ones).

I will ofcourse provide food etc.

Pm me if you can help thanks!



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Oh gee where do I start?? :D

Poor pup, so young so angry and in trouble already.. agree needs a behaviouralist.. GSDx Kelpie, not a mix I would have with small kids around, my girls were a little mouthy as pups but it was not tolerated, they were put into their place in the pack, loved, nutured and protected, but with strong and consistent discipline... This sounds like one for the DOL traniners and behaviour specialists...

if all dosent work out surely you can help with your rescue work :D

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This is a serious problem, thanks so much for taking this seriously :D terrorbull...you obviously pick and choose what you want to help. Thanks

See below ;) :clap: :clap:

Glad i could help!!

Canine 20 April

I'm new to this forum and am now based in Brisbane. I am just letting everyone know that I have a few people available to foster puppies and dogs.

I currently have the 5 rescue pups from ipswich and they are doing great!

Canine 25 April

I have been reading lately that there are HEAPS of pups and dogs needing help in Sydney pounds all the time, its heartbreaking!

I am available to care for some of them, but obviously I am based in Brisbane and thats a bit of a problem being able to get them from Sydney.

Just thought if it was worth trying to transport ones that REALLY need help, especially pups and younger dogs!? Any ideas?

Canine 21 May

Female, undesexed, recently lost a litter, approx 9 years old, gingervitis, conjunctavitis (spelling) has to get 8 teeth removed its that bad. PETRIFIED of people, especially males, 3 tumours (1 malignant), worms including ringworm.

Male, approx 4 years old, undesexed, ALSO petrified (more so then the female) of ALL people and dogs, HORRIBLE teeth as well, 1 BLACK eye (probably from trauma) and wait for it...a Broken front paw thats been broken in not 1 but 3 places!!

These dogs are probably the worst I have seen for a long time and I don't understand how these people can continue breeding. They have since moved and I have no idea where they are.

Also while I'm typing, anyone know how to make the dogs less shy? They are so scared.

Canine 25 May

Hi Everyone,

I have a rescue cocker that I need to find a foster home for probably until about July.

He is 7 years old (approx). The reason I can't foster until then is because he isn't keen on other dogs and my kennels are too scary for him. So in fairness to him I need to place him in a home where there are probably no dogs (or at least no rowdy ones).

I will ofcourse provide food etc.

Pm me if you can help thanks!


:) ;)

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I don't understand :happydance: . Is this 'Canine' person rescuing dogs all over the place or something? Why would someone come on a dog forum and just make stuff up? Wouldn't there be more constructive ways of spending one's time? Unless of course there were psychological issues involved.

If, on the other hand, this is a genuine post, I'd suggest you (Canine) listen to the advice you're being given about getting this poor dog some help. I'm only new here so won't pretend to know which direction to point you but one thing I have learnt is that there are a multitude of people on this site who really know their stuff. So, if you're serious (and let's face it, the jury is still out on that one), take on board what these people are saying.

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