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Male Contests


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how do i stop my 2 male dogs from cocking their leg on everything? including their beds.

they are toilet trained, but seem to have these territorial contests.

is there is particular scent you can put on their beds to stop this?

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Does that mean you're not planning to desex, or are they show or stud dogs? Otherwise there's no reason not to desex, and plenty of other good reasons to, avoidance of testicular cancer being one. They won't change their personalities either.


Edited by caffiend42
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My dogs are not (as yet) desexed - by my own choice.

Unless you have a possible solution to my question, i am not interested in getting another lecture about not desexing my dogs by someone on this site.

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Huh? :rofl: Another lecture? You've got 4 posts! :provoke: Did you forget which ID you were using? :laugh:

Another possible solution: belly bands.

If you are a genuine newbie, I apologise for my forthright post. Unless people have a genuine reason not to desex, can demonstrate this soundly through their research and are extra vigilant in ensuring their dogs don't get up to mischief and create unwanted litters, then they can get pretty short shrift around here. I can only respond according to what's posted - can't tell from your posts whether you are a seasoned dog owner or a brand spankin newbie. :D

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As I said, if, by the posts, you can't necessarily know how experienced the owners are, it's best to be conservative and assume they don't know the risks, or have knowledge based on myths and misinformation, just in case someone else might benefit from the information. :rofl:

And of course it's owner's choice, let's hope it's an INFORMED choice :provoke:

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Unless you have a possible solution to my question, i am not interested in getting another lecture about not desexing my dogs by someone on this site.

You've only posted in here so how could it be 'another lecture'?

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I have posted 4 times, but have watched the forums for a while.

All am i saying is that people on this site all share a common interest.

Basically i joined this site to get some info. off some more experienced people that can help my dogs.

I am not a registered breeder, but if i choose to breed my dogs or not have them desexed, i don't want to be confronted about it everytime i make an enquiry/ask a question.

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Well, unless you put the reasons up front in your first posts, don't expect people to assume you know what you're doing.

There's definitely a common interest in ensuring the health of the dogs and the prevention of unwanted litters. As I said, unless you're a registered breeder or a showie, or have a specific health related reason NOT to desex, the advice 9 times out of 10 will be to desex.

And same goes for "choosing to breed" - if anyone is appearing like they're just going to whack their dogs together because they feel it is their "right" to breed, they're going to get some posts to dissuade them of that path that will range from the softly softly to the slap around the head approaches. :D

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I am not a registered breeder, but if i choose to breed my dogs or not have them desexed, i don't want to be confronted about it everytime i make an enquiry/ask a question.

well you may not want to be confronted constantly but you are going to be, I suggest you get used to it :D

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A Crate each, don't change them around, may be a better bet than beds, other wise it's just training.

Never let them get away with marking inside. 100% control needed, 3 seconds is too late.

Chemical neutering, which only lasts for 6 months, for the underdog will stop them competing.


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I am not a registered breeder, but if i choose to breed my dogs or not have them desexed, i don't want to be confronted about it everytime i make an enquiry/ask a question.

Phew....getting hostile vibes, but hey that might be just me!

Do you mean a tad hostile like the quote above? Hmm, you may be right.

No.....I dont believe so, I meant the one above now!! :laugh:

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