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Are His Kidney's Failing?


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This morning when I went to feed the dogs I noticed he didn't squirt like he normally does. Normally there are puddles were he stands (particularly if I am slow putting the food dish down), where he eats and sleeps and he leaves a trail where he walks.

This morning there would have been 5 or 6 drops rather then the large puddles.

Does this mean his kidneys are failing? He is still the happy bouncy old man he normally is, he still gobbled down his breakfast.

I am totally devastated, he had been doing so well and I thought I would have him a few months longer.

I don't want to take him to the vet just yet ... can I wait a few days?

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If you think his kidneys are failing (having gone through this with one of my dogs), you're best to get the blood tests done right away. Dogs that have failing kidneys generally vomit and have diarhoera, are lethargic and drink a lot more. If he's still eating, that's good, and it may just be that he's becoming incontinent. Take him to the vet because either way, it's best to check.

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Have been through this with mum and dads dog. Poor little Sandy just lied in her bed all day and didn't really move much except when she was thirsty, and she started vomitting, so straight to the vet and on a drip. She was there for 3 days but did not come good.

If you suspect something I would get it checked sooner rather than later.

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He has an appointment with the vet tonight. Before I left for work today he too a really big drink and then had a little pee before going back to bed. He is peeing but not in the usual amounts and he isn't squirting like he normally does (he is normally like a flood gate opening).

I just didn't want to take him to the vet and have to make the decision about having him put to sleep.

He still seems happy in himself and doesn't appear to be in any pain and he is still eating well.

I am really hoping he might just have a little infection or something.

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I am back from the vet ... and it isn't good news. :(

My boy has a large hard fist size lump in the prostate area and an infection.

The vet isn't really sure if the lump it is an enlarged prostate or a tumor. He is leaning towards a tumor. The only way to know for sure would be an ultrasound but I really don't want to put him through all that when either way the outcome isn't going to be good.

The vet has put him on a course of antibiotics (Dicural) for the infection and he will get a injection on Thursday night as a chemical castration - which might help a bit if it is an enlarged prostate.

The vet has no way of telling how long he has but did say he will go down hill quickly.

At the moment he isn't in pain and is still eating well and happy so we will look at doing little things to help but at his age I can't justify putting him through anything invasive.

I thought I would add some pictures of him .... but I can't get the stupid thing to work. I will try again later.

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Tilly, sorry to hear that the news isn't good :(

If an ultrasound is easy to come by, it will give you more information and it is not an invasive procedure - it can often be done with no, or only light sedation.

Does the vet think it is a tumour involving the prostate, or a different organ? The prognosis for benign prostatic hyperplasia (even with prostatitis) is different to prostatic neoplasia. You're welcome to PM me if you like.

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Unfortunately my boy would require a heavy sedation to have an ultrasound because of his security dog background. He wouldn't tolerate anyone touching him without sedation - the poor vet had a hard time with him tonight and he cleared the waiting room when we were leaving ... the poor dog was totally ticked off.

The last time he was sedated he didn't do well and it took him about a week to recover from the effects. We made the decision then not to put him through that again unless absolutely necessary but the vet could not give us anything positive to warrant putting him through that.

Four years ago I didn't think we would have him for another 12 months so I think we have done well. He has taken his meds and got his cuddles and has gone to bed. All that effort of barking and snarling at the vet has tired him out.

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At least he's still taking things seriously, Tilly. When my last dog was pts, he barked ferociously at the vet when she arrived at the house. If the time comes, he'll let you know when he's ready.

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I am sorry Tilly.

Just love your man a little more until it is time.

You know in advance and can give him those extra kisses and cuddles and treats.

I am crying whilst typing cause i didn;t have the chance to take Sam home for a little while longer.

Just enjoy your boy adn take heaps of photos. tell him you love him heaps.

Good luck.

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Many hugs from me Tilly.

:( :D :rofl:

I know first hand how difficult this decision can be. Wishing you more time than expected and wishing your old boy to be painfree for as long as possible. No matter how or when it happens it is hard to lose a much loved pet. Wishing you strength to deal with this when the time comes.


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:( :D :rofl:

I'm sorry Tilly.

You still have him for the moment so just enjoy each others company and give many hugs and kisses.

You will know when it is time

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i'm so sorry to hear this Tilly :)

it's the saddest thing to have to do

just enjoy your boy for as long as you can knowing that he had a good life with you

at the moment although he is unwell he sounds like he still has some spunk in him and he is eating.


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