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Ivan Balabanov


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You are saying that with no corrections you will "convince" this dog that the sleave isnt the best thing in its life.

If you take the requirements back to basics for what the dog has to do to "earn" the sleeve. You don't change its value for the sleeve - you "own" it and the dog has to do what you want to earn it. Many people will allow mistakes by the dog, but still reward, instead of taking steps back in the process (or even starting from scratch).

The idea is the same concept as the TOT, where the dog chooses to look at you to get its food. This concept can be used in many different ways. This is where i mean that the dog has to give you its mind.

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as u can tell L/E k9's are trained differently to other k9's some times a dog that only works in prey or defence drive they can be so highly strung in that drive when they work they do it out of instint not commen sence so they are focused on 1 thing winning the prize that could be geting a bite or scaring of the person off

some times the only why to change focus is to give them a hard correction because these dog arnt soft there friken strong dogs

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