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Ivan Balabanov


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Hi all,

I watched 2 of Ivans DVD's last week and really liked the way he trains.

There were alot of info in them, so i had to watch them twice to understand more fully.

I loved the footage of his dog working at a competition and how they work so well together because the dog is motivated to perform.

Has anyone else watched his DVD's? Any opinions?

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I've looked at his website heaps, and drooled over his Malinois ;)

I have been thinking about getting his DVD but haven't gotten it yet. Good to hear some positive feedback :dropjaw: so it is now definitely on my 'to get' list :mad

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I recently aquired them, and watched them once so far and will watch them several times.

I really liked them and found lots of info in them, very usefull, especailly info on what not to do.

Still cant get over the way he jumps around, tho :dropjaw:

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I've seen his "the game" dvd. Thought they were quite good.

I've also seen him work other people with their dogs - very different to what you see in the dvd's (ie not all positive - a lot of harsh corrections). His dog was unbelieveably fantastic though.

All the jumping about, i believe, is so the dog only cues off his voice and not from some associated movement they pick up, also as a form of distraction training. Funny sight though. :thumbsup:

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I've also seen him work other people with their dogs - very different to what you see in the dvd's (ie not all positive - a lot of harsh corrections). His dog was unbelieveably fantastic though.

Not specifically related to HIS video. After having seen quite a few overseas professional trainers, I agree. The best videos show how trainers solve the problems. Perfect or near perfect dog work - educates the viewer, very little.

Nothing like having a great trainer observing us.

Problem is, from a personal point of view, they (the pros and excellent A grade amateurs) sit on my shoulders every training session. :(

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I found that no matter how many great videos I had seen, how many great (and not so great) trainers I observed, and no matter how many books I have read there was no better training than a trainer telling me exactly what to do and how to do it.

I had a trainer that was great in providing theoretical info but I preffer someone that will show me how to hold the toy, will correct my body posture etc

Watching others in my case didnt work.

I often compare this to the fact that my OH is a fan of Motorbike racing. I must have seen hundereds of great races, but that didnt teach me how to ride a bike.

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I must have seen hundereds of great races, but that didnt teach me how to ride a bike.

Love your comment. :)

It will replace one of my other favourites though..........never expect a dog to do what it has not been trained and proofed to do.

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I've also seen him work other people with their dogs - very different to what you see in the dvd's (ie not all positive - a lot of harsh corrections). His dog was unbelieveably fantastic though.

Well, that is a shame then that he makes out in his video that he doesnt do that. He obviously uses corrections in a very motivating way though as his results seem to be pretty good.

The best videos show how trainers solve the problems. Perfect or near perfect dog work - educates the viewer, very little.

I agree although it is still very motivating to see their dogs working well. It makes me want to go outside and train :thumbsup: .

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Well, that is a shame then that he makes out in his video that he doesnt do that. He obviously uses corrections in a very motivating way though as his results seem to be pretty good.

Unfortunately the corrections were not in a "motivating" manner at all. This was when he was working other peoples dogs to fix problems. They were full arm length, hard yanks with a pinch collar - aimed at suppressing the motivation to going for the arm. Didn't see any corrections when he worked his own dogs.

I believe if your going to use corrections then you need them to provide a learning situation - well the dogs just kept doing the same thing. My suggestion to someone else there was to take a step back in what was being asked of the dog. Teach the dog that more control will get you what you want ie the arm guard. You do see a little correction in the dvds.

I find i learn a lot with just watching other people work - didn't take anything away on that occasion. Still think the ideas in his dvds are very good though.

Edited by NaturallyWild
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Im not sure if you are talking about what you have seen in the video or if you had seen stuff elswhere, but if you are talkinga bout the video you are correct he uses corrections on other peoples dogs.

He also explains that these dogs have been tought wrongly (not with his methods) and in order to change their behaviours he needs to correct them.

So basically if the dog was touch in his method from the start ( his dog as an example) there would be no need to have those corrections.

Are you able to confirm for me if you are talkking about what you have seen in the video or about somethign else?

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He also explains that these dogs have been tought wrongly (not with his methods) and in order to change their behaviours he needs to correct them.

Are you able to confirm for me if you are talkking about what you have seen in the video or about somethign else?

This was me seeing him work other peoples dogs at a seminar when i was over in the USA.

Dogs that have been taught without his methods do not need to have corrections, people are just not prepared to go back to scratch to teach what they want to learn.

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iam not saying it works for all working dogs but because some of them are so worked up you need the harshness with the corrections

normal or puncy corections are just shruged off

if you ever get to see some of the german police dogs when they do there exercise or working you will see what i mean the dog can be working on such a high level u need to be harsh for them to realise what you want

just to make it clear i dont like what is some times done but it is

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iam not saying it works for all working dogs but because some of them are so worked up you need the harshness with the corrections

normal or puncy corections are just shruged off

Yes - this was the case for one or two of the dogs who weren't feeling the correction because they were so worked up (not some others though).

I still think you need to get the dogs mind back with the handler rather than just reducing the drive. I also believe that many of the problems occur because they do too much too soon.

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Dogs that have been taught without his methods do not need to have corrections, people are just not prepared to go back to scratch to teach what they want to learn.

I menat whoevers methods.

So what are you saying is.

The dog has been tought with whatever methods and has an extra special value for the sleeve and its the most treasued thhing in it life and doenst want to release it. You are saying that with no corrections you will "convince" this dog that the sleave isnt the best thing in its life.

Im interested to hear how.

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