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Berwick Trial


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Yes it was on today.

I did try to enter but they sent my entries back for apparantly being a day late :dropjaw: seems they dont like their own members entering LOL

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We were there. BIG trial!

My mum was entered with our Wei Millie. They ended up with a UD pass in the morning, but not enough points for an OC pass. In the afternoon she was going really well until she went for the wrong glove :mad

Leopuppy went well :love: (I think, it looked like Leo ;) ) I still havent managed to introduce myself :dropjaw: I fell asleep in the car as it was soooo cold.

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BIG HUGE HUGE CONGRATS TO LP!!! What a fantastic trial for her. In the morning trial Leo did the best Novice run through I've seen in a long time and WON!!!! YAY!!! He did super in the pm too for TWO PASSES ON THE DAY!!! :dropjaw::mad But she'll probably have more to say herself.

My GSD girl didn't go too well in the am but was very pleased with her in the PM (broke the crappy heeling hoodoo and did a decent heeling score!) even though she didn't get a pass cos (kind of ironic after doing a good recall and getting pinged for nothing the week before) she completely buggered up the recall, causing some grins from my fellow competitors when I was reduced to shaking my finger at her for her lovely displacement behaviour, innocently sniffing the ground LOL.

It was a very good day though and there were some nice passes and some good stuff even from those I knew who didn't quite get there.

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And forgot to mention a certain GSD not only didn't recall but got an itchy face *suddenly* in the down stay about 10 secs from the end, had to scratch herself, sat up and then remembered it was a down stay and quickly lay back down again. Hmmm... LOL.

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And forgot to mention a certain GSD not only didn't recall but got an itchy face *suddenly* in the down stay about 10 secs from the end, had to scratch herself, sat up and then remembered it was a down stay and quickly lay back down again. Hmmm... LOL.

Go give your dog a big hug. :dropjaw: There's always next time.


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LOL weisnjac! I wish you did introduce yourself! Did your mum have the L/H Weis? With the little baby puppy!?!?!

Yes, Leo did me proud - thanks for the compliments Arya - when do you want me to ship him over to you??? :mad

We got 2 qualies - scores on 189 and 179 - 1st and 2nd respectively!

In the AM he worked really well and only made a few minor errors. But I am pleased to say he scored 38/40 in heeling :love::dropjaw:

After waaay too much socialising during the looong lunch, he seemed pretty pooped for the PM. It showed in his work, but hey - we still passed!!! Margaret Deakes (PM Judge) was lovely and said he was a great dog, but probably a little tired :love:. He scored 27/40 in heeling after missing a sit, lagging in fig8 and for me not going 'slow' enough in 'slow' pace :cry:.... oops :love:

I had a few 'heart in mouth' moments - in the AM trial Leo thought a scratch with 5secs to go in the down stay was a good idea but luckily stayed in possie :love:. Unfortunately Arya's Tess didn't think so when she repeated what Leo did! In the PM trial Leo also contemplated a 'bow' for the distance signal, but luckily thought the better of it and 'dropped'.... I was trying my hardest not to laugh too :cry:

It was a good day out but Leo and I were just pooped..... Poor Kinta couldn't understand why no-one wanted to play with her when we got home.... she was raring to go ;)

ETA: TO - same thing happened to me last year - I think Berwick is *really* strict about entry dates! Annoying thing was I sent my entries off 3wks prior to the closing date but wrote the wrong post code!!!

Edited by leopuppy04
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gee thats rough most clubs except them a couple of days late

Nah it did say no late entries accepted but didnt think it would take a couple of days to go about 30 minutes away....

We had same problem , it took 3 days for entry to get from cranbourne to Hampton Park, so we missed out too....think the sorting office must of had a real bad day :dropjaw:

Well done to those who made it though. Is anyone doing mornington next weekend?

Edited by dogdayz
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And forgot to mention a certain GSD not only didn't recall but got an itchy face *suddenly* in the down stay about 10 secs from the end, had to scratch herself, sat up and then remembered it was a down stay and quickly lay back down again. Hmmm... LOL.

Go give your dog a big hug. :D There's always next time.


He he, she still gets the special dog bikkies and lots of cuddles whatever she does Mel, though the week before I actually heard a man tell his dog that when they got back to the car all it was getting was fresh air!!! Really, I was a bit thrilled cos on the figure of 8 I all of a sudden had a dog right beside me with her head right up there where it is in training, which has never happened before in a trial. She will get there with a bit more experience and focus, and lack of worry about being around so many other dogs.

And LP, if that superdog ever gets kidnapped you'll know who has done it and have to come get him back from me :thumbsup:

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gee thats rough most clubs except them a couple of days late

Nah it did say no late entries accepted but didnt think it would take a couple of days to go about 30 minutes away....

We had same problem , it took 3 days for entry to get from cranbourne to Hampton Park, so we missed out too....think the sorting office must of had a real bad day

yep....thats what happened to me :D i put my entries in at the last min, and got a phone call saying i was to late :(

oh well will hopefully be at the next one......geez i have missed about 3 now :rofl:


glad to here he was a good boy :laugh:

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