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Antihistamines For Dogs


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Hi Guys,

Before I posted up a thread about antihistamines for dogs and everyone mentioned how expensive they were.

One of my vets said that they sell 100 tablets for $30 especially for dogs. This seems very cheap to me. Are the dog ones more defective?

We are currently trying a herbal remedy recommended by a lovely lady on this forum and this antihistamine business is only a back up plan.

Also can I just walk into the vets and buy a bottle of whatever pill I need or do I actually need to have Bub with me? I just want pills from these people (because they are close to home) and Bub is going to go to another vet from now on so I don’t fancy bringing him in because they are going to sell me more stuff to flush out his ear again (they ALWAYS do this and he has no ear infection!).

Thanks heaps!!!

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We just use polaramine from the chemist - I think it is only about $7 for a box of 50.


Same here. Our good vet actually told us to use polaramine...as it's the same in effects as the 'doggie' one & is heaps cheaper.

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hehehehe looks like the overwhelming winner is polaramine! I am hoping and praying that it won’t get to antihistamines and that the Chinese herbs keep on with the good results and that I am not just imagining improvements!

Funny when I first found out Bub had allergies I felt so sorry for him and myself but since being on this forum and finding out how common it is I feel so much better!

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This is from a dog first aid book i have




1. POLARAMINE (dexchlorhenrinamine)

2. 2mg and 6mg tablets also 0.4mg/ml elixir

3. dogs <10kg give 2mg

dogs 10.1-30kg give 4mg

dogs over 30kg give 6mg

1. PHENERGAN (promethazine)

2. 10mg and 25mg tablets 1mg/ml elixir

3. 1mg per 10kg of bodyweight

1. TELFAST (fexofenadine)

2. 60mg, 120mg and 180mg tablets

3. 2mg per kg bodyweight


1. CLARYTYNE (Ioratadine)

2. 10mg tablets (also comes in a elixir now not sure of stregth just yet!)

3. for dogs less then 20kg give 1/2 tablet

for dogs over 20kgs give 1 tablet

1. ZYRTEC (Cetirizne)

2. 10mg tablets and 1mg/ml and 10mg/ml elixirs

3. for dogs up tp 20kgs give 5mg

for dogs over 20kgs give 10mg

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Thank you so much Arby!!!!!

PHENERGAN brings back memories as I used to itch as a child and had to take it. The syrup made me sleep and sleep though! Completely knocked me out.

phenergan is indeed some seriously strong stuff, I'd use it with caution I know a few humans that get hallucinations from it :(

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I use Polaramine if i have it, but in an emergency i will give my dog/s Benadryl as it is fast acting. For my adult dogs, i'll give 5mls, my youngsters will only get 2.5mls. its a shortstop if its desperate and i need something in the interim for the trip to the vet.

Ive uesd phenergen when i've had to but im not keen on it.


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Hi guys

My dog has allergies too. Last time I took her to the vet, on the way out of the surgery he said we could also try a antihistamine tablet, before I could ask which one, and what dose and emergency came in so I didnt get to ask him to clarify.

Do you use polaramine for allergies? What dose to you normally give.........? :thumbsup:

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:D Wow, I'm glad I had a look at this thread!

I new that polaramine could be used for dogs (wasnt sure of the dose though), and I had to give my poor Zola some a couple of weeks ago.

I dont know what she was bitten by ( it was 6 in the morning and they sleep inside), but her head swelled up like a bullmastiff, and her tongue swelled up too! :)

Anyway, I shoved a polaramine down her throat and headed for the vet, 1 hour away. I reckon within 15 minutes it had started to kick in. I was really concerned about having a dog asphyxsiate on me - so I will definately make sure I keep them in stock from now on.

She was also given an injection of antihistimine when we got to the vet. And she okay now, phew..

So thanks for that info Arby, very useful. :thumbsup:


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