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How Do I Keep My Washing On The Line?!?!


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I think i am extending my electric fence!! My brat, aka hunta, always pulls my clothes off. She doesn;t chew either but washing teh same pair of pants gets annoying.

I have had chilli and garlic on the line in stockings for 6 weeks. Does not touch them.

Does not even look at the line unless we have washing on it.

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Try hanging some stockings with Dencorub in them close to the clothes, normally deters them :rofl: .

Also now that the weather is cooler you could try using some overhead door washing hangers as well. ;)

My two dogs at present are the only ones who don't bother with my washing :laugh:

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We had this problem too so I ended up putting everything half way over the line and winding it right up, there was no way Jack was able to get it, now due to a certain little nephew who decided my line was a swing I put Jack in his play area whilst it is out.

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I'm too lazy to try and battle this one. So only hang it on the line when I'm home or use an inside air dryer.

LOL...But then my dogs upped the ante and started removing it from the washing machine!!!! True story. It's very disconcerting to go to the washing machine at the end of it's cycle and find it empty. I put something heavy on the lid now.

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Mum was a GSD breeder for over 15 years, and swore by this trick - She'd get some old rags or clothing we didnt want anymore, wet the bottom of them and then sprinkle pepper all over them, so the pepper would stick to the clothing. The dogs only ever tried to grab onto the clothing once, and never again!

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Hi There, do you have any old pillowcases or pillowcases you don't mind your dog pulling off the line? IF so then grap some balloons and fill them with water and stuff them inside the pillowcase and hang those on the line. When the dog jumps up to pull the washing off, the balloon bursts and instead of getting nice fresh clothing in his face, he gets a face full of cold water - which he won't like. He will soon associate the washing line/clothes with a face full of water and won't go near them again.

*tucks away for future reference*

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My puppy has been soooo good... up until this morning, he pulled off a jumper this morning .... bloody dogs pmsl... i was remarking the other day how he had been really good and hadn't pulled anything off... guess I jinxed myself!

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My puppy has been soooo good... up until this morning, he pulled off a jumper this morning .... bloody dogs pmsl... i was remarking the other day how he had been really good and hadn't pulled anything off... guess I jinxed myself!

People always say to me 'never say never' :( Thus far I have had nothing nabbed but I am sure once the little bugger grows (I love him to bits - don't worry) there will be eventual towel fatalities :D

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what i have tried and this can work if you have a hills hoist is to wind up hoist to maximum but B 4 U do this you must peg the legs of your pants back up on to another line same with the ( tug-o-war) towels must also be pegged back up that idea of a balloon in a pillow case sounds effective but by pegging all the long stuff at both ends and winding up hoist might do the trick

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Might sound silly....

With all my doggos I've had and when they became washing line puller offers I just put old clothes that won't be worn on the line, wait till they've been pulled off and then proceed to 'tell the clothes off'. Your dogs and neighbours might think you've gone bonkers watching you stamp on and grumble at clothing on the ground [i tend to grumble "bad clothes"] and then replace them back on the line. After a few sessions doggos put 2 and 2 together and end up leaving those bad clothes alone [well mine did].

Worked on 3 Sibes and more recently the Boxer bum [who was just starting to show washing line puller offing behaviour] :thumbsup:

Also works for hole digging too...just tell the holes off. Haven't had Boxer bum dig a hole in ages now since I told off his holes when he first started getting the crution feeling for digging. Sometimes I might see him scratching in the dirt [trying to get the dandelions]...just have to say bad hole and he runs off and does zoomies and forgets about dirt.

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I went through this with my lab for ages and ages and ages......

tried everything......he is a water lover, loves pepper and developed a love of chillis.

One day i really cracked it did the "you want it so much have it" and tied the wet and now muddy towel to his collar.

He played with it for 4 minutes, dragged around for over an hour in disgust until he started sulking in his bed.

I untied it and he has never touched anything on the line since............I guess it isn't as much fun when you are not just allowed to play with it but forced to!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hhhhmmmm, doesn't really seem like there are many other ideas. I will try the balloon trick, but I would also be worried about him eating the balloons....

I have washing hung all over the house at the moment, but there are only so many times I can wash my sheets and hang them over the dining chairs in the kitchen, it doesn't leave much room left!

I will battle on, maybe if I start with some old clothes that I don't mind losing.....

Cheers for the help.

When I brought my dane the breeder suggested hanging something soaked in bleach, I never had to do it, but reckon it's worht a go

It's going to taste awful.

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