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Schutzhund Vs Ankc


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And how does the criteria that they are judged on differ?

I'm curious about this because I think that some of the criteria that is judged on in ANKC obedience has vague application in the real world. For example, even though I train for a drop stay with no movement, in the real world if I have to leave my dog on an extended stay I don't mind if she shifts to improve her comfort so long as she stays down. So is this different in Schutzhund?

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if the dog is too restless in the down stay only partial points will be awarded. The schutzhund judged are pretty leniant with dog movement though.

The only time a dog gets disqualified is if the dog gets up and walks away from the position it has been placed to stay in by more than 3 metres.

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Like ANKC Judges, Schutzhund Judges expect precision and excellent work from competitors BUT the difference is ....if a particular exercise is not completed satisfactorily ,it means higher point loss for the ecercise along with an unsatisfactory rating for THAT exercise ONLY.......so the competitor can still pass for his Sch title,providing all other exercises have been satisfactorily completed. In other words, they just lose precious points and receive a lower rating for their work and title. The aim is to get the highest points and the high rating of Excellent.

IMO Schutzhund obedience ,like that of their Tracking and Protection, uses and builds on the dogs natural abilities........it does not place dogs in stressful situations such as in ANKC sit/drop stays or out of sight stays handler out of sight while our dogs of different temp/char are being forced to be close to each other.

In Schutzhund stays, while one handler/dog team is doing it's workout for the judge ,there is another dog out on the field doing it's drop stay.....with the owner standing about 50 good paces away with his/her back turned to the dog. While the dog is down, it is prefered that it stays ,as it has been told by the owner, but if it does fidget or move half a body length or lift its bum to turn over....etc, it doesn't fail.......it might lose a points BUT it does NOT fail.

Back in my Schutzhund days, one of my dogs use to roll on to her back with all legs in the air(little bugger lol) or she would fidget and sniff the ground etc...........the Judges would comment on this and some even had a bit of a laugh about her antics....BUT she never failed.......because she DID the exercise....she stayed in the area where I had put her until I returned. She was not expected (for the duration of the stay) to turn into stone as some of our Judges seem to expect .

For me there is good and bad in both ,but I have to admit I do prefer Schutzhund obedience.

Edited by Tapferhund
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