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  1. happy easter to all thank you to everyones advice, as yes we are new to this side of things having a girl gsd. To all we are doing our researc and homework before and if down the track we do wish to breed from her. i will certainly after the school holidays talk to the breeders were i got her from to look in more details on things. the advise re a bitch in heat is fantastic from everyone that has posted a answer and i thank you all. she will certinly be confined once i know she is in heat, we are fairly lucky that we do not have many male dogs in our nighbourhood as we are a new estate, yes i know they can clim high fences so to all do not panic she will be in our lovely laundry whenever we are not home. i am aware if we breed her that i have to register etc etc, will look into all that when i know which direction that i go in. being new to dogzonline i am really enjoying these forum colums as they are great for the help and information from all. hope evryone has a happy and safe eatser, we live in sunny cairns and it will be a very wet one, just for something different as since cyclone larry visited all we ahve had is rain, rain and more rain
  2. thank you to the people who have replied re my bitch coming in to season, i have been doing heap[s of reading now i know which websittes to look into. Once her seaon starts we have a very big airey laundry where we will keep her when we are working, luckily i do shift work so am home a bit between work and school with my six year old son. We do wish to breed from her further down the track as she has excellant bl0od lines and papers with both parent being excellent show dogs.It is a new ball game to us after having two male gsds, i have been doing reading on the pros and cons off breeding and will review the situation after her first season in heat. She is a lovely nature dog and passed obedience training with flying colours, girl dogs are certainly more sooky than our males were, but so loving to.
  3. we have always had male gsd dogs and now have our first female. she is now eight months old and i have been to the library and read up on when they come in season but most of the books have not been enough help. where can i get more general information and exaxtly what goes on. any assistance will be appreciated.
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