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Everything posted by Bellaclan

  1. About the above, did this couple have prior experience with labs, or dogs? Thanks so much for everyones input Kind Regards, Laura
  2. Hi Everyone, I have had numerouse siblings that I personally have kept from litters to show and add to my breeding program etc. They were always kept seperate to ensure that they bonded to me and not to eachother. I was told, by three top trainers to keep the apart untill they were older. This was in a breeding/kennel setting. However what is the pros and cons of having two sibling pups in the same household, as family pets? These are Border Collie siblings going to the same home, I not sure whether they have had a Border Collie previousely or not. Is this a good idea? I *think* that these are novice dog owners but am not positive. I would love to hear everyones input on this topic. Thanks Laura www.geocities.com/bellaclan_bcs
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