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Everything posted by dogdogdog

  1. Run free Faith / Old Face . Go chase butterflies and be free of pain.
  2. Yes I have had that happen to a dog too many years ago. Poor thing was sitting there looking at me with her mouth all funny. Took me awhile to get it out but all was okay. Never ever left her alone with a bone again.
  3. Rosie will never forgive you if you don't give her one. And I'm sure that Dani will follow suit.
  4. Squid chasing butterflies at This is a place I firmly believe in. We will all be reunited with our four legged friends one day.
  5. Thanks for that. Apparently the poor chap has Piturary Cushings. One vet has suggested that the best scenario with meds is probably about 2 years.
  6. Thanks for all the replies. Spoke to my sister on Sunday and she said that the test they did on Kip was so bad. He screamed. She fears having to put him through that every 3 months. I will forward this thread onto her to check out.
  7. My sister's standard poodle has just been diagnosed with Cushings disease. So I was wondering if anyone knows of a natural alternative medicine that could be good to help him out. It has cost her about $2k so far and she is on single mothers pension so is finding it tough financially.
  8. Fly free Buddy See if you can find Jack. Tell him I still miss him.
  9. I think that is lovely that Zapper passed on your chest. Just where the love comes from. Run free little Zapper :p
  10. Party time at the bridge Zach Brown with a big meet and greet but don't forget what Chewie asked you to do. Tell Reo, Jack and Tessa I'll see them again one day and to please wait for me. I so miss them.
  11. Little I hope you are now playing and chasing butterflies :rolleyes:
  12. Merlin go chase butterflies while your waiting.
  13. Try Clipperworld he is great. www.clipperworld.com.au
  14. Go chase butterflies Sinna
  15. Being a person with a thyroid problem I can only say that now being on Thyroxine has improved my life out of sight. I have energy and am able to now enjoy life. I also think that if I wasn't on medication I would be dead now.
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