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Everything posted by Ysabel

  1. I am not sure about dogs, but i know that it is true to some degree in humans. High intelligence will often learn faster, but require more * reward * over time .. also tends to question tasking, whereas low intelligence takes longer to grasp the task, but once its learned, its there forever. I deal with intellectually disabled kids and teens quite often, and it is well nigh impossible to get one of them to do something they have learnt not to. one Downs syndrome man (24) i take swimming had to have his mum come along daily for the first week.. cause no one but his mum was allowed to take his shirt off . Once he got the idea that i was permitted, he was cool, but if i have a sick day, his mum has to come as he will not let the relief person take it off. His mum taught him that when he was 5, and it has stuck like glue ever since. Ysabel
  2. Looking forward to meeting you and learning lots =) Ysabel
  3. * twitches * please keep us posted, i have 3 skin kids under 10 and both OH and i shiftwork, so the more lead time i have, the less hair i lose .. lol. please PM me if i can help with anything ... i can't wait =) Ysabel
  4. excellent =) .. so looking forward to this =)
  5. My deepest sympathy i found it hard to cope when i lost my lad, and the hole in my life was huge as he was an only dog and went everywhere with me. What i found hardest to deal with was that my peers etc had no idea what i was going through, and that isolation made it so much harder. i wish i had found these forums, ppl here are great and understand that they are not *just dogs*. Most ppl do not understand your attachment to your babies, and veiw the loss of one like losing a peice of furniture. Your grief is normal .. you have lost a child and you miss her. No one expects a parent to get over the loss of a child quickly, or to not miss their baby because they have others .. so you shouldn't expect the same from yourself. Ysabel
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