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Everything posted by Jacquel83

  1. Hi pple, just an update on how hes getting on. Brought him to the vet on Monday and hes been given some medications and vet recommended feeding him on eukanuba low residue. His poo is back to normal today(hopefully still is) and i will try to slowly switch him back to RC this time. Thanks for ur replies evryone!!
  2. Hi people, he is still suffering from a very loose stools..shld i bring himto the vet? also..is ther a possibility he might be having sensitive stomach to royal canin? isit normal to experience diahrroea if u changed dry foods? thou he hadaccidents in the living area sometimes..he never poo in my room(which he sleeps in at night)..but he did for the 2 days..i was thinking whether he couldnt hold it or wat.. -worried mum-
  3. im now feeding him rice,egg with chicken n vege meat rolls(tuckertime). he leaves his kibbles left half ..din finish it..wonder if he knows that caused his uncomfyness. im trying to use the vinegar method of removing stains hopefully it works!
  4. Hi all.. I've recently switched my puppys food from Eagle Pack Large Breed FOrmula to Royal Canin Maxi Junior as my pup is not interested in large breed formula at all(ive tried all sorts of ways, soaked them, add spoonsful of canned food etc in the end to find he really isnt interested). The gd thing is he enjoys RC better...so i changed his diet overnight(abruptly)..i know im supposed to change his diet gradually as to not upset his stomach but i was just so overwhelmed that he finally found something he likes so i just changed it.. Now..his poo is very soft(diahrroea like)...a bit like milkshake...and also he poos several times a day. He sleeps in with us and he never poos in that area..no accidents b4 but he actually did it. I was thinking maybe he wanted to go toilet overnight but we were sleeping..isit dog diahrroea? And also he poos more than he does..like 8 times a day... ANy advice on this? Also...tips on cleaning carpet stains? thanks...
  5. Hi Steve. I believe all dog foods works differently for dogs... i have tried several premium brands(and are still on the lookfor better ones..a bit disturbing to see my dog trying on diff brands as well as i would really like tostick to one).. Have tried Advance..Hills Science...Proplan..EP...RC etc..and out of all i would choose between EaglesPack or ROyal Canin as they're super premium brands which the quality shld be better. However...my puppy doesnt like EP AT ALL..so i would have to make the switch to RC and hopefully there would be improvements. Not trying to lead u to any brands but really(i normally feel better myself if the food i buy is more exp but i understand that doesnt applies logically)...any types of food is gd as long as ur dog does gd on it. also..i do not advice feeding RAW egg..as i have heard from many breeders raw egg WHITE is a NONO!!! try half boil egg instead? Gd luck!
  6. PPS is pretty basic and mine already knows the basic command as well(sit, hand, etc). I guess the fun part is about the dogs interacting etc..and a gd way to socialise with other pet owners, as well as drooling on other cute puppies, lol. Im not even sure if the PPS i went to is gd or not as he is my first boy(it is run by a vet nurse in the clinic). All i know is if hes happy then im happy, and he responds to my commands. WHen i see him having fun and enjoying it, im truly happy as well! So i dun really mind much about other stuffs...cuz i think its all basic stuffs which u should have already know if you're in this forum(worming etc). Im now attending obedience class with him and expecting to get more out of this as its time when things starts to get a bit more serious. THey can still interact with each other during break times etc..but other than that its training! So its all gd. Im really enjoying obedience lessons with my boy and the trainer is very frenly and great!
  7. having started this topic for about a month, my puppy has some progres. Right now i will let him out after every meal, and then when he wakes up first thing in the morning, and also b4 he tucks in. I have taken away the newspaper(its no use toilet training him inside cuz big dogs dun do it accurately anyway so u'll still have to clean up), so i believe the easiest way is to go OUTSIDE only. He responds to my "pee" and "poo" command and will go straight away, no playtime for him when hes to go to toilet..and give him ample praise and keep saying the word when they do it so they will know what that means, then sometimes follow by a small treat straight after. He still have accidents once or twice and its ALWAYS on a carpet on that particular area. NOw and then, we watch him closely. I believe perhaps the odour is still there cuz i use a carpet spray on it..wonder if that will neutralise the odour...
  8. Hi SAndra, the trainer is Lynn, do u know her? I really enjoyed the training sessions, thumbs up!!! Thanks for recommending it Sandra!
  9. Hi all, ive been to the first obedience class today at vic park! i have none but gd thumbs up!! to the instructor whose frenly and gentle with my dog, and also to how the class was instructed! i truly enjoyed my first lesson!! cant wait for the next one!!!
  10. Hi i realise that hardly anyone uses snacks bought from supermarkets.. I know they wun help much to the dogs diet but i thought we dun feed them that all the time so once or twice a day should be ok? I buy Pedigree snacks? and dog bones? any comments?
  11. EP is definitely not very readily available, i reside in Perth and got my stock from one of the wholesaler(delivery to home) which is gd for convenience sake as well. Originally wanted to try Innova but too bad they din have the large breed puppy in stock...and for which it is sold in pet shops(which is controversial as im not very very against, but rather thought not letting them earn more than they do by pet cruelty etc). EP is gd, thou my puppy doesnt seem to like it as compared to Advance n Proplan. The way i like it, not only of the ingredients, but also becuz of the protein level. Ive got a GR and ive heard it is prolly best to keep dogs on a protein diet of 28% or less, and EP is one of the few which satisfies the nutrient level i wanna keep my puppy to. Proplan, Euk, Adv etc all contains protein level of 28%, and also by-products? Nonetheless, maybe its just me being too paranoid over what my puppy eats. No matter what, i firmly believe that if it does gd to your dog, stick to it! Oh yeah btw ROyal Canin is definitely one of the gd brands out there as well, with friendly distributors. You can opt for sample pack delivered to your house!
  12. Hei, looking at your post makes mi that your dog is the happiest in the world..next to mine..hehe :rolleyes: fancy having surprises often... so nice n fun!
  13. i would also encourage feeding them premium/super premium kibbles. i think the gd premium brands, and the ones that ive tried, are Advance and Proplan... Super premium ones i recommend would be Innova or Eagle Pack. Im currently feeding large breed puppy eagle pack now. I've heard really gd reviews from Royal Canin, you can try emailing their reps and get samples(which i did) and they're normally quite generous wif it. As compared to supermarket brands, the results are really more outstanding, n u end up feeding less etc... however, the final decision is still up to u.
  14. i have a feeling i would be attending the Perth training, held at Vic Park, seems like theres only gd reviews for it!!! Hope to see you guys there!!!
  15. Its hard to choose between the few training schools, but right now I've narrowed my decisions to between Midland and Perth Training. May i know whether both of the training schools conduct Agility training?(even thou i know my puppy is too young for that as he's only 17 weeks) The reason being I do not like to keep changing schools and if possible, keep him constant to a place. Also the venue and timing for both training sessions? Would Midland be more convenient for me? DO they start the classes together and progress together? Or isit like Northern Suburbs whereby you progress on your own? He's just had his puppy socialisation classes...wondering how should he progress from there.. Any comments or advices would be gd. THAnks lots!
  16. Hi Sandra, where do u live? morley? Thats y i find travelling to Vic PArk a bit tedious cuz i normally gets home around 5 plus near 6, also cuz Im working in Kwinana area. For now i guess the most convenient one would be the RSPCA training held at Malaga, heard any reviews on it? BTW, GSD=German Shepherd? For your viewing pleasure. My first boy Bobby,
  17. Thanks for the replies! have anybody heard of PUPI, puppy management classes? Im really at a loss which one is gd? ALso location is a factor, I'm staying in Dianella by the way..
  18. Hi all, I have a 16 wks Golden Ret. named Bobby. He is my first puppy so i'm kinda of a worrier and also sometimes helpless about training him. THis is the situation. Bobby is a bit newspaper trained when we got him from the breeder, so he knows how to do it on the newspaper(in the laundry area and hes confined there). However, when hes let out around the house he simply likes to do it in carpet areas. Many times when hes done it(finished with it) i will then bring him outside and put him on the grass and use the toilet word to let him know thats the approved area, but he still doesnt gets it. I would also let him out after his meals etc..but when hes around the house he poos everywhere. Some of my friends advice mi to put him outside until hes fully toilet trained, and I'm doing that now, cuz he can now get out himself if we put him in the laundry area, and we only let him in the house when we're back from work. Every night, he would sleep beside us as well, but no accidents yet. I;m also assuming he can control his bladder better as compared to when we first got him already so I also take away the newspaper to encourage him to ONLY do it outside. THe question is, am i doing right? SHould i only let him in the house when he is fully toilet trained? Or should I let him inside the house to train so next time when he comes in he would not do it?(there might be a possibility of i trained him outside but he stil does it inside?) this is all so confusing..help!
  19. Hi All, I'm new to this forum and would like to know more about puppy training. I have a 16 wks Golden Retriever and we just finished with his first puppy socialisation class(which is pretty basic)..would like to move on but not sure where to go. The only ones I've heard of is the PUPI puppy management class, and the one from RSPCA. ANy comments or advise/recommendations regarding this? THanks lots!
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