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  1. It's really interesting to hear everyone's different experiences with showing and considering breeding. I definitely agree with improving the dogs health problems, that is the number one priority for me, far more than just trying to produce a dog to win shows. I would always rather breed healthy bulldog's and hopefully really make a difference in the breeds future :). I really didn't expect to get so many great replies and so quickly on this topic. I'm definitely going to be sticking around this forum.
  2. I was actually planning on getting two females, that way I wouldn’t have to worry about any accidental matting’s and if I did decide to breed them I would look for the best quality studs I could find. My council requires you to register dogs and provide proof that you are a registered breeder. This is something I want to do, not something I’m doing for my kids although I definitely want them to grow up with dogs in the house. They are far to young to understand breeding/death/sickness or anything similar. I will join the British Bulldog club of NSW and I see they have a show in September so I’ll definitely go to that and have a chat to some breeders. I also think I might email some of the bulldog breeders listed on this site just to have a chat. I definitely need to spend time learning more about the breed but hopefully I won’t need 20 years. I’m sure that the more I learn the more I will realise I still need to learn but I don’t think that we’ll stop me as there’s so many things I won’t fully understand till I start. Even wonderful breeders were once first timer’s just starting out. I do understand things go wrong, I understand Bulldogs particularly can have lots of problems; they pretty much always need c-sections and are often not attentive mothers. I don’t think I am naïve as to what to expect, even just owning a pet dog can be hard, they can get sick and eventually pass away. There are sad and hard parts but in the end I think the rewards out way the drawbacks. Also I understand puppies are a 24 hour commitment but I also have a supportive partner who loves bulldogs too so it’s not like all responsibilities fall upon myself. I hope I don’t sound defensive; I’m just trying to answer your questions and address concerns. This is something I still have to do a lot of research into but not a decision I’ve made on a whim. It’s something I’m passionate about and have been considering for a number of years. I’m just finally getting to the point in my life where I’m financially capable and have the right home environment :).
  3. Okay now that I think about it, most people I know have dogs that are different ages and I wouldn't want two from the same litter anyway. I still would like to get two puppies though just space it out a bit.
  4. I see, I have spent a lot of time around them before so am fairly confident but I could always change my mind, that's why it's something I'm looking at doing in the future as opposed to immediately. Really? last time(which was 13 years ago haha) I bought a dog, I regretted not getting two so much and I know heaps of people with more than one dog that get on really well and enjoy having the companionship with each other. I haven't taken it rudely at all, it's all very interesting and I'm sure lots of people have very different but still very valid views.
  5. Thanks for the advice so far. When I say hobby, I didn't mean it in a taking it lightly way, I meant it in a I know there's no money in it way. I am interested in showing too. No I haven't been able to own one before, for the last 13 years I've had one dog and unfortunately she didn't get on with any other pets. I guess my ideal would be too purchase a puppy or two, then show then while learning more about the breed and later down the track breed from them. Although you're probably right that people won't necessarily trust me with a breed quality dog.
  6. Hi, I’ve always loved British Bulldogs and am interested in breeding them in the future. I’ve done a fair bit of research but still have lots of questions. I understand that to become a registered breeder you must become a member of your states dog council (dogsnsw). Register for a prefix and then make sure to buy quality dogs from a reputable breeder. One question I have is do you always start breeding with puppies or can you start with more mature dogs, who have perhaps even had a litter before? I understand that breeding is a very expensive hobby particularly with Bulldogs. I’m only going into because I’ve always loved dogs and I genuinely want to improve the breed by breeding healthy bulldogs, with a good temperament that meet the breed standard. I am a stay at home mum and so have a lot of time to dedicate to the dogs and puppies. I feel like this topic would be more suited to the breeders community but you can’t post there until you actually are a breeder but I would love any tips and advice from people that are breeding. Anything you wish you’d known when you started out? I also have more specific questions if there is anyone that breeds British Bulldogs specifically? Also when you approach a breeder to purchase a puppy, I get the impression that most of them don’t want to sell to you unless you have experience and an established breeding program but everyone has to have started somewhere right? Thanks
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