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Everything posted by wolf82

  1. My boy is on Royal Canin, he is 7months old, gets 2 full cups in the morning, and 1.5 cups in the evening. I have noticed lately that he is shedding heaps, and his coat is really dry. I was told by so many people that moving from Supercoat to RC i would see a huge difference, but i really dont. His coat is still dry, and if im wearing dark clothes and he cuddles me, im covered in short white hair. I can just pinch a tiny bit of fur and pull and 10-15 strands will just come out. I have started giving him a raw egg, shell included, a few times a week hoping that it will bring his coat up a bit better. He gets bathed probably once a fortnight too. Warm water and natural doggy shampoo. Any ideas? When this RC bag runs out i might try and get DVP or Eaglepack. Any suggestions to what Eagle Pack i should get for a 7 month old AMStaff who is growing like a weed? He needs his protien and calcium! Thanks! Steve
  2. The pup isnt stupid, its your fault this happened. Dogs who may normally be 100% fine around each other can be very food aggressive. You should separate your dogs when they eat.
  3. I have a similar problem with my critter. We walk past Feral dogs or dogs that charge the fence and he doesnt bark or try to lunge, he just goes stiff and stares at them and refuses to walk, his ears prick forward and thats him, hes a statue. Im not sure what he would do if the other dog got out of the fence, or vice versa (eg not on a lead etc) but i have some pretty feral dogs in my area.
  4. I jsut changed from Supercoat to RC Maxi Junior. How long should it be before i notice a difference? Will i notice one? Has anyone had experience switching from SC to RC? The beast is currently on 4-5 cups a day, according to the bag for his weight and size, he whould be getting 4'3/4 cups a day. Thoughts?
  5. Currently the beasts are on Supercoat. There were on Optimum at one stage but after reading the ingrediants it looked like it was full of fillers. After hearing both good and bad about Supercoat, im currently leaving my options open, and would be happy to change food. Personally i would like to get them on Royal Canin, but 40 dollars a bag is a bit much. Can anyone recommend any good quality premium food for 2 growing pups? Amstaff and Huskie, so they need their protien and calcium! Thanks. Steve
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