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Everything posted by wolf82

  1. Im going to try the chilli thing and see how we go, but i honestly think it will fail :D My dog should have been born a pig. He snorts, groans, generally acts like a pig He also eats anything thats food related, i can be eating curry and he will want some, i gave him some vindaloo once and he wanted more! I didnt give him more tho, i didnt want to be cleaning up runny poo lol! I think its just his age, ill be doing more training with him, im just glad our huskie hasnt learned to jump like that though, he has 10 times the energy our AmStaff does, i think if a dog could have ADHD, it would be our huskie ;) Thanks for the advice guys! PS K9, i will look into those mat's if all else fails, thanks! PSS Is there any info i can look at to give me basics on how to train in drive? Id come to your sessions but you dont run them in adelaide ;) Steve
  2. I must also add that he used to be very good off the lead, but now hes not, he wont come back for the life of him if there is something interesting to smell on the ground. Its like he is so focused on this one smell, that i can call him all day and he wont budge, but i walk close to him he sees me and is like "Oh, sorry i wasnt paying attention, do you want me?" and then i call him and he comes running with out a care in the world. I need focusing exercises or something. Can anyone please give me some tips on training in drive too? Steve
  3. Hes 9 months old, and hes a notorious counter surfer, so everthing is well out of reach if there is food out. As soon as we leave the room we can hear dishes clinking etc as he tries to lick what ever is in the sink, and we come out and shout at him to get down he does it, or if he hears us coming, he knows hes not ment to be doing it. Well yesterday, it was a bad day at work, bad day at gym, and i was sore and grumpy. I walk into the kitchen to find Loki standing on the bloody kitchen table licking away, with out huskie also having his paws up tried to get what they were licking. He must have jumped as all chairs are kept pushed in. As soon as i walked into the room the huskie did a runner (he knew he was in trouble) and Loki froze, like a rabbit in the headlights. I shouted at him to get down and he moved a tiny bit, and i yelled again "get down NOW" and once again he didnt move. So i smacked him on the bum and pulled him off by the scruff and gave him a small shake and told him "NO". Now.. I know i shouldnt have done this, no excuses. I tried to call Loki for something last night after this happened and he wouldnt come, so i walked over to him and he dropped his head like he was scared of me, so i screwed up, bigtime. I dont want him being scared of me, i try not to shout at them when they are doing naughty stuff, and i very very very rarely smack him. How can i keep him off of the table, and discipline him at the same time? Its like he is pushing the boundrys, hes close to 10 months old, and his "listening ears" rarely come on, if he fixates on something, or is doing something, you can call him name and he wont even twitch, it takes a few loud name calls before he will turn and acknowledge that you are trying to call him. Thoughts or ideas? He goes to doggy school, hes in grade 3 but im thinking of asking to go back down a class, grade 3 is too hard for him, he spents 90% of the time with his nose on the ground and not listening to a thing i say. Possibly related to puberty? He is not desexed. Steve
  4. Well thanks for the lesson. When i said he was vomiting for 3 days i acctually ment that he woke me up monday night and threw up once, some bile and grass. The again on tuesday night, some grass. Wednesday the corn came up. He was 100% normal, and didnt throw up any other time or did he look sick, i put it down to him just eating grass. My dogs goto the vet all the time if i think they are sick, but i dont want to be paranoid and rush them off for them throwing up once or twice. Steve
  5. Back from Vet for those that care He had an infected butthole. Nothing internal like abscess etc. The vet thinks something has irritated him and he scooted and took the skin off of his anus, and it then got infected thats why he kept licking. She said his glands were a a bit full so she emptyed those too (the smell is not that fantastic!) and my poor man was violated He got a cortazone shot and some antibiotics too, no creams etc. He said i can use salt water too if i want, but no betadine as its costic for dog skin. I dont think ill ever be out of debt with these 2 dogs! just as i go to finish paying off the credit card, something else happens!
  6. Question: Can it possibly be glands if he still does hard poo's and is only young? I thought only older dogs got probs with blocked glands etc. (excuse my silly question)
  7. Hi, This is going to be gross, if you are eating brekky, avert your eyes! Ok, where to start. We came home from getting some shopping the other day, when we left all was fine but when we got home 3 hours later, my gf noticed Loki's (amstaff) bum was bleeding. Ok.. Blood, coming from places blood doesnt normally come from, vet time. I had a quick look and wiped it away with warm water only to find that it wasnt coming from inside of him, but around the anus its self. It was asif he scooted his bum on the concrete and buffed all of the skin away from the outside of his hole. (this is a theory, dont acctually know what he did to it, he has never scooted before and dogs are always wormed) This was several days ago and i decided to just monitor it. Since it has happened i have not seen him lick it that much (he does lick it though) and he has developed a big scab around the right hand side of the anus, and lost all of his fur for about an inch or 2 above his anus on the underside of his tail. It looks almost like a hotspot right on his bumhole. Is there any creams i can get for him? Im thinking food maybe, but he has been on eaglepack power formula for close to a month now and been 100% fine, no other issues. He also gets a raw egg a few itmes a week in the morning, and the odd raw bone once a week. Is there any creams i can get, or anything i can do for this before i take him to the vet? He keeps it clean, but i think it will never heal if he just licks it all the time when im at work. On last thing, i think its trying to heal, as when he gets up in the morning its got a clear mucusy stuff on it, the sort of stuff you get from a burn that is trying to heal, well its there until he licks it off. Thanks guys. Steve
  8. I havent asked them, i just suspect. We havent had corn in a while, and there was no way he could have found a piece of fresh corn cob in the back garden. We have 6ft + privacy fences on both sides, and a factory behind us. The neighbour had a BBQ the other day. Ill chat to him when i get home, if he kills my dog by throwing shit over my fence ill burn his house down.
  9. Loki the one who was throwing up is fine, im more concerned that people may be feeding them over my fence.
  10. He gets stuff from a "doggy proof" laundry basket, he pulled stuff through the tiny holes, he works on it for hours. We also dont leave anything apart from toys laying around, the house is pretty much puppy proof, but huskie puppy proof is another matter! Steve
  11. Dog is fine. It was acctually a piece of cloth, not a flanel, it was about the size of a flannel though, thin cloth. We found out what it was lastnight when we found the flannel my GF thought he ate. The cloth was from a giant fluffy soccer ball that he ripped up. He is fine, getting lots of food, running around like mental. On another note, our AmStaff woke us up throwing up last night (he has thrown up every night since monday, but nothing has come up apart from bile. Last night, he was really heaving and he threw up a piece of corn cob, about the size of 2 50c pieces put together. It was as hard as a rock. Lucky he didnt try to pass it, i think he has been trying to throw it up for a few nights. We havent had corn for a week or so, so i suspect the neighbours who had a BBQ (feral) may have thrown it over, this is bad. If they throw over bones the dogs will fight, or it could splinter and kill them, so i will be watching closely. If i find them throwing shit over my fench like food etc, i wont be impressed.
  12. He has passed stuff before, the whole skin of a tenis ball (yellow bits), pieces of blanket etc. He loves to eat stuff. Im going to check him this afternoon too.
  13. I have similar issues, so i normally let the dogs in when i get home while the GF hides in the bedroom to get our of her work clothes. Both run crazy, the huskie pee's everywhere in excitement, and half the time he is trying to jump up and will try to jump over our AmStaff, so he pee's on the other dog. Now i have 2 dogs, one covered in pee and the other one PEEING running all over the place barking and yelping and crashing into each other at full speed. Good fun!
  14. He was fine. He drank shitloads of water and needed out for the toilet about 5 times to pee. Then he woke us up the usual way by jumping all over us in excitement to tell us the sun was up and its brekky time. He got a small brekky and seemed fine, we will check all poops tonight, if there is no passage, off to the vet we go!
  15. Vet said salt wont hurt him, just let him drink. If he doesnt throw it up during the night, or pass it in the morning, we will take him to the vet in the morning.
  16. They werent helpful, the lady was rude and told me just to bring him down, sounded like they just wanted money. I asked what the deal was, she said he needs an injection, then to be hospitalised, then consult fee, and some other crap. We are giving him a few hours, if he doesnt puke then he will go to the emergency vet. He has swallowed shit before and thrown it up, so hopefully this comes up too Steve
  17. dog is 5 months old, he isnt an adult, its quite big compared to a little dog
  18. thick cloth, size of face washer, swallowed whole. how do we make him throw it up
  19. My huskie ate a flannel. My gf tried to get it off of him when he got it, but he ran away and swallowed it at the same time. we have tried 3 desert spoons of salt and he just swallows it and sits and looks at us, doesnt even heave. what do we do? no peroxide at home, its too late for vet. more salt!?!? How the fizzle do we make him sick? He is 5 months old, he eats everything! Help!!! Steve
  20. Whats wrong with Alpha rolling? out of curiosity? Our huskie is mental, if he gets too out of control he is broken up from play. If after his break he charges back in and trys to be mental, i sometimes grab him and roll him on his back and tell him NO, then let him up. That seems to calm him. He is also like the OP's dog with little dogs, he plays way too rough, trys to nip them and generally be a bastard Steve
  21. Ok. So i went to pick up my food and they ordered the wrong bag for me, waste of a 30min drive (one way). The lady who was working there was also showing her dog (not sure what type) but after some discussion, she recommended me the Eagle Pack Power Formula... ( http://www.eaglepack.com/pages/ep_power.html ) So this is what i picked up, got it at cost for all the running around, i also had to grab something as i was out of food and would rather use a bag of this than supermarket stuff. Anyone had experience with this stuff? Steve
  22. Thanks for all of your advice. His coat seems to be getting a bit better, it might be due to the change of seasons etc. I have started giving him some tinned sardines too ontop of his kibble to help him with that extra Omega 3. Essentially i want to get him a good food that he can stay on, that has no fillers but a good ammount of protien etc for his muscle development. I was possibly looking at Chicken Holistic from EP. Anyone tried this? Steve
  23. He is on RC Maxi Junior. The first ingrediant is Maize. I will change to something else after this bag runs out, can anyone recommend Eagle Pack? And if i get Eagle Pack, which type do i get for a pupper? Steve
  24. He normally gets washed because we have alot of dirt in our back yard, and when it rains, he likes to run around in the mud, so white becomes black. Maize is the first ingrediant in RC, which i only just realised. That sucks. I may try fish oil caps, can he take human ones?
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