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Everything posted by wolf82

  1. I need to organise some hot tape / electric fence stuff for the top of a dog run (run is 4meters x 7meters, big rectangle). The fences are 190cm high, but there is a rabbit that runs around the yard on the outside and im worried that the dog is going to get over the fence to have a snack. Dog run is too big to roof, so hot tape is only option at the moment. Looking to buy asap. Dog is AmStaff, so needs to be quite a jolt Cheers
  2. So how do the collars work? You call the dog once, if he / she doesnt come, you zap them until they do? Is the zap much? I wouldn't want to put that on my dog unless i tried it on myself first.
  3. Anyone have any idea how i could go about teaching my dog how to fetch beer from the fridge? he fetches pretty good most of the time (half the time he runs just out of reach and taunts you with it, then runs off). Thoughts?
  4. Im going to try some on the weekend, if i need too ill get one made. Had a small issue where a dog tried to attack my Sibe on the weekend and my AmStaff defended him
  5. Need one that will allow Loki (AmStaff) to pant, drink, run around and be happy. Thanks! Steve
  6. Hi, Over the last week i have noticed a small red patch become quite large, its a oval shaped patch, that is right in the middle of his tummy where his penis touches his skin (over his belly button etc), it is slightly bigger than the size of two 50c pieces sitting side by side. He doesnt seem to lick it or scratch at it, i think it might be some irritation to do with his urine? Its winter and hes curled up in a ball when hes sleeping, could it be caused by the end of his penis, which is normally moist, constantly sitting on his skin? I have started treating it by cleaning it twice a day with betadine, and putting Bepanthen nappy rash cream on it (he doesnt lick it, and the tube says its an antiseptic thats good for rashes, etc) Does anyone have any ideas on how i can fix this? I figured it might be something to do with his food making his Urine acidic or something, so i will be changing his food from Royal Canin back to Eagle Pack. Cheers Steve
  7. Just watch the wound closeley, my two have had several fights had had punctures / tears. I found that there was no real need to goto the vet, just monitor the wound (check it 2-3 times a day, and bathe it in salt water twice a day too) and it will heal fine in the air. At one stage after a fight between my two, the AmStaff tore the huskies neck and we missed it (it didnt bleed and fur was so thick), after a good 3 days, i noticed a clump of fur under his neck, i chopped it all off and found a tear that was well infected (it was like a pocket under the skin). I scrubbed it in warm salt water a few times a day and let it get plenty of air. It healed very nicely in the end, dogs are pretty hardy and heal well Steve
  8. Update: Making a dog run this weekend, my dad is giving me a hand, hes an engineer / welder etc. Its going to be 2.4m x 2.4m square, and 1.2m high. Its not as much as i wanted, but its gotta do. Theres enough room for his kennel, bed, toys etc. Basically 2 days ago he broke through some of the fence (his head is a battering ram now) and the neigbours dog will not even go outside out of fear (poor little guy). As of saturday, my boy will have a run, and the dog next door will not have to worry anymore. Ill take some pics when im done, its going to be made out of 4mm thick galv steal mesh (Strong), i wont have anywhere to put a concrete base, but im buying giant pegs to keep it on the ground (its heavy anyway) and hes not much of a digger, if he digs, ill move it to the concrete and he wont get out. Thanks for all of the advice guys. Steve
  9. He was neutered yesterday and has been a total sook, he refuses to walk anywhere with the eliz collar on because it hits things and he gets scared and plays "Stuck in the mud" lol. Its funny, but not so funny if you catch my drift, poor boy!!! Looking at getting a dog run built asap (when i have some spare cash after the incident) and will keep him in a run when we are at work.
  10. I am looking into getting a doggy run made, and i am well aware that its selfish of me NOT to get one when i can, for my neigbours sake. I cannot let this happen again. The dogs sleep all day, they are ran most days (in the morning before work or when i get home). As i said, Loki will ignore their dog ALL day, but when they arrive home and he can hear them, thats when he wants to jump the fence. Hes getting the "snip" on thursday, even though he has been chemically neutered, im hoping it will make a difference too. Steve
  11. What i find really strange, is that he only tries to get over one fence, the people on the other side of us have 2 BC's who never, ever stop barking (i feel sorry for the owners), they are both female, but my dogs totally ignore them and couldnt care less if they were around or not. I just cant work out whats driving him to jump the fence, and i would love to know! Steve
  12. If they are seperated they stress. When loki got over the fence before, the sibe stressed out and destroyed our back screen door, so id rather keep them together. Maybe getting a non permanent dog run is the way to go... I might talk to a few friends who are welders and try and get some ideas from them..
  13. If we meet other dogs he normally just wants to play (he was well socialised from a very young age, went to ob school etc), but i will admit i havent let him near other male dogs for a while as he growled at one once, and i didnt want to risk a fight etc. Steve
  14. I have looked into a dog run, but i rent so would need something non permanent, but i could only organise it when i had the spare cash. This vet bill + fence bill came at the worst time. He have a sibe huskie too, its not really feasible to keep them locked in all day, they would destroy the house, or the room they were locked in, and im also not keen on crating the dog for 9 hours while we are at work... Steve
  15. I made a recent post (last week) about finding a hot wire to go along the top of my fence, as my 18mo AmStaff was trying to get over the fence to visit next door. Well on that same day, the worst happened. He did get over the fence and there was a terrible fight with the dog next door. Right now with all the stress from work and everything else, this has really got me wound up. Basically, they have an older Stafford, that stays out ALL day and my boy doesnt even bother with him, its only when he hears the neigbours come home, or out the back, that he wants to jump the fence. I got a call last wednesday at 4:30pm to tell me that my dog was on their property and had really hurt their dog, i rushed home to find him in their back yard all happy with himself and just running around sniffing, and their dog being rushed to the vet. That night i went out and spent $200 on colour bond and posts, and my fence between our propertys is literally 9ft high now, but the damage was done, and it was my worst nightmare. I already had extended the fences, but he managed to get over somehow, hes like a spring. Two days after putting up the new fence, i get a call the next morning, he was over there again, but luckily their dog was inside at the time. He managed to jump up and squeeze himself through a 2 inch gap (he bent the iron out) between the fence and a gate and get in their yard again, so basically, they are really really not impressed. I dont know what to do. They havent complained to the council, i just had to pay the vet bills ($600+) and make sure it didnt happen again, but i really cant guarentee that he wont get over, because when i think he cant possibly do it, he does! The times that he wants over, he will run up and down the fence line and whine / cry, then make a dash and bounce off the fence. The times that i have caught him, i have smacked him and put him inside (yea i know, shouldnt smack etc) and really given him into trouble, but im really at my wits end, i love this dog so much, but i cant get him to stop it. He is ultra friendly with people and he has gotten over before, he ran over to the lady and licked her hand from behind while she was trying to hang a washing out. He doesnt ever do it unless they are home and he can hear them. Wednesday, he only jumped the fence when he heard the daughter arrive home and go out the back. Can anyone give me some insight? He has been neutered with the implant from the Vet, and will be getting booked in this week to have his testies off permanently this week.... In general he is really well behaved, loves people and kids, but has a huge drive for other dogs. If i walk him along the beach and we see another dog in the distance, or behind us etc, he will try and run to them, hit the end of the leash, and then just stand and whine, and i literally have to drag him in the direction we are going until he forgets about them, he just loves other dogs... If its a female he will try to play, and generally if its a male, i dont let them get close enough to even risk a fight. Apologies in advance if this post is all over the place, my brain is seriously not functioning and my feelings are all over the place on what to do. Steve
  16. You wont stop a dog in full drive with yelling and stomping, i dont think it has anything to do with the breed, but at the stage of the fight. Been there, done that. Its scary. After a few fights, its much better to prevent it before it happens.
  17. Update: Issues are pretty much sorted, we have the occasional play fight that starts to get out of hand, but its just broken up before they get too carried away. Loki (AmStaff) Is getting his balls off soon, i had the implant done a month or so ago and its clearly working, his testies have shrunk to half their size and he no longer humps the Sibe. The only thing im having issues with now is in the evening, the AmStaff trying to jump our fence to get at "something". The neighbours have a neutered male Stafford which is inside most of the time, but at night we can hear rustling and noise coming from the bushes on their side of the fence, i suspect its possums or rats, and Loki is trying to get them. Heres a cut and paste from my other post, no one seemed to respond -- It seems that most nights around 7-9pm, my dogs seem to go a bit loopy! (When it starts to get dark) Ill try and explain the situation as best as i can. Basically next door, they have a male Stafford, whom my boy has jumped over the fence once to visit. Im not sure if he is part of the problem. The neighbours have this huge tree / bushy growth that is next to and ontop of their verandah, which is next to our fence. On OUR side of the fence, there is a bushy lemon tree. Now around this time at night, my dogs will come out and run around, normally up and down this fence. Its an urgent sort of run, the Amstaff charges up and down, while the huskie chases him and bites at the base of his tail and back (hes covered in little bumps from it and looks terrible) and the AmStaff will turn around and chase him away, and go back to the fence running. Now, when they get to the lemon tree, they both just freeze and stare up into it, like theres something in the tree. They will both stare for a good minute, then Loki the Amstaff takes off again, running up and down the fence, also staring over the fence towards this big bushy growth, i would take a guess and say he was in drive mode, his tail is errect and stiff, and he acts like a dog on a mission. The other night i was just sitting out side, when Loki was staring at the fence, i called him and he totally ignored me, then took a running leap and basically cleared this 6-7ft fence (it was originally 5ft, but i added 2ft of lattice since he jumped it the first time). I bolted over and dragged him back over to our side just as he was about to push himself over, and i was too much in shock to give him in trouble, so i just put him inside. He has been chemically castrated, so im not sure if he is doing it because of this other dog, or if there is creatures in the bushy trees, and he is trying to get over the fence to get at the animals. QUite often if we are outside at night you can hear something rustling about in the bushes, and i doubt its the neighbours dog, he is more of an inside staffy, i have used my Maglite, but i cant see anything. Is there anything i can do to stop this behaviour? I cant stand outside and yell at them to get inside, Loki rarely listens when heis in that mode, and i physically have to get close to him before i can get his attention, and Odin is the same (Sibe Huskie). So my questions are: How do i stop the Huskie (15mo) from chasing and biting the AmStaff (18mo) (AmStaff is turning around and retaliating, and chasing the Huskie, but we have had a few issues because the Huskie gets corner and fights back, and we have a big scrap), And what can i do to stop the AmStaff running up and down the fence line? At this time of night, they are both obsessed with the tree and what ever is in it, and whats making the rustling over the other side of the fence. I have thought that if its the dog next door, i can introduce my AmStaff to his Staffy and hope there are no issues, Loki can be a little DA towards other males. Im really worried that the AmStaff is going to jump the fence when im not home and get into a fight with the neighbours dog. When we are out at night they are normally crated inside, but are left outside during the day (they sleep in the sun pretty much all day). Thoughts? I hope i was clear enough! smile.gif Steve PS I have also made the choice to have the AmStaff's balls taken off, i had the implant done as a temporary thing to see if it would change his behaviour, which i think it has, his testies are a lot smaller, and he doesnt hump the Sibe anymore.
  18. Can i get some advice on how to get them apart if it happens again? When the second fight started yesterday i was out, and the only one home was house mate (who i trust 100% with my dogs, she owns Odin). She only weighs 55kg, was was totally helpless to get them apart. We dont own a break stick. I have read that she can use a choke chain and choke Loki off of odin? Does this work? Steve
  19. True that Dogdude. They were fine last night and this morning, so i moved all toys from the yard, fed apart etc etc. I will look into a portable dog run later today. Thanks a lot for the advice guys. Steve
  20. Hes a couch potato, i was worried that neutering will make him even more sedated / relaxed. He would happily spend most of his days laying in the sun, or cuddling on the sofa. Steve
  21. Run is not possible, i rent. Im also out at work from 8:30am until 5:30pm, and i cant crate a dog for 9 hours. They were fine all of yesterday, Odin was back to his usual self of grabbing Lokis face and trying to get him to play, and Loki was laying there asleep. As for the bull breeds not wanting to share affection, this is not true at all, Loki has never been jealous of another dog, never pushed them out of the way to get attention from me, or anything like that. Hes generally a pretty easy going laid back pooch, one of the reasons i DIDNT want to get him neutered, was because i didnt want him to become any more "chilled" out. Steve
  22. My dogs have been having issues with fighting each other. Background info: One dog (Loki) is 16 months old, intact male AmStaff. The other (Odin) is 14 months old, neutered Sibe Huskie. The other day Loki had a bone out the back (i was working out there, fixing a door etc) and Odin was harassing him, Loki has been fine with bones for a long time, so i was a retard and thought Loki would ignore him. 5 seconds later, i turned back to the door i heard the fight, Loki had Odin on his back by the throat and was shaking him around like a rag doll. I managed to get them apart, no damage really, Odins fur saved him and Loki had a few scratches. Next day (today): Odin is acting VERY funny towards Loki, Loki is back to his good old self, but everytime Loki is near Odin, Odin goes all stiff and his hackles go up and he just slinks past Loki, like hes walking on egg shells. Loki normally just ignores him. Loki was sleeping on the lawn and Odin walked up to him, then went all stiff (Loki is sound alseep) and then walked really close past him with his hackles up, then walked past him a 2nd and 3rd time, exactally the same way. On the 3rd pass, Loki got up and kinda snapped at his face, not really a snap, just put his mouth close to him and clicks his teeth shut, he did it a few times before i separated them. Few hours later they are in the kitchen and Odin after being normal for a few hours, decides to go all "stiff again" like hes puffing himself up. Both dogs were around a bag of food that had a small hole in it (didnt see until afterwards) and Loki did the shutting his teeth at Odins face again. They both came away from the food and Loki was standing still watching Odin, when Odin walked up to him all stiff with his hackles up, and in a flash they were into it. Once again, Loki had Odin on the ground by the throat and was shaking him around. Got them apart, Odin had a gaping hole in his face and Loki has a puncture through his lip, from inside to out (like he bit himself through his own lip). Dogs were separated etc, food was put away, and new rules brought in in regards to feeding, leaving empty bowls on ground etc. Now, my issue is, i cant tell whos starting the fights... Odin has ALWAYS been cheeky, always pushing Lokis buttons. They were play fighting before and Odin just walks up and grabs Lokis face, starts pulling his skin, and then pawing his face (very rude). Loki jumps on him and pins him down, then Odin goes feral and tries to bite Loki, Loki then starts growling really low and trying to bite him back. I pulled them apart and gave both into trouble, but Odin kept annoying Loki who was sitting next to me... The major problem is, that these guys have been fine for over a year until the bone incident (which was my fault, im a moron). Now, im scared that their play fight might esculate to a real fight when im not around, and i dont want to come home to a dead huskie. I have booked Loki in to get neutered next week (could this be the problem? Or is it Odin pushing Loki and Loki is retaliating?) and hopefully this will curb Loki being dominant and also his humping of Odin. Can anyone tell me what the stiff legs by Odin means? Why would Odin instigate a fight that he cant win? Is he just worried that Loki will attack him again and going all stiff before it even happens? I need some advice guys, please. Steve
  23. Forgot to reply, here is update. We went to save vet clinic and got stuck with a new vet, she wasnt that helpful and i wont be going back, was very "rushed" and even said to us after a few minutes that we pretty much had to leave because there was people in the waiting room (even tho we waited for 20min when we arrived on time, because she was in the room talking to an old friend for ages). She had no idea what was wrong with him, said it wasnt interdigtal because it wasnt high enough between the goes (some are attatched to the pads, some are inbetween toes) and she took a skin scrape for dermodex (he doesnt have this). She gave us anit-biotics for twice a day stuff, and some pink stuff that they use before operations that i can wash his feet in once a day (its anti bacterial etc etc). Thats about it, his toes are the same, he isnt in pain, ill let you know how he goes in a few days. Oh she also got out some tools and got stuck into one of his things incase it was a grass seed (even though he has about 8 of them, most dont have heads / holes) she got deep into one and declared "no grass seed" to which i reply "i know this, there are 6 other ones, indentical with no wound on them, just a hard red lump" Oh well, updates soon. Steve
  24. Went last night, about to goto work and wont be home for 16 hours, ill post then. They couldnt say to much, cost me lots of money etc lol. Updates later tonight.
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