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Thank you, I finally got onto her breeder and lets just say I didn't expect that response but it's over at least and I thought she should know about the brain problem. I wasn't asking for anything and now I feel worse.
Well I have the PM results if anyone is interested, and it is certainly not what we expected at all. I have asked the vet to write a report (I am sure I have missed details) and I will call Pru's breeder very soon to let her know what has happened. Basically, the neurological problems and her breathing difficulties were completely unrelated. She had a congenital brain defect where he found one blood vessel in her brain was 5mm thick when it should have been 1/2mm thick - amongst other things, which caused some ssubstancial bleeding thus the neurological issues. This did not kill her. This week she suffered a lung torsion. It didn't show on the xray, although there were bronchial markings they could have been caused by her rapid breathing? So in theory yes this could have been operated on, however the vet said it usually only diagnosed on PM unfortunately as in our case. Also we were trying to link the two issues when now it is obvious they were unrelated, it made diagnosis even more complicated. There was no sign of meningitis or any other brain infection. Thank you guys for the support, I am just in shock at the moment and trying to understand all of this.
Thank you all for the thoughts. We don't have the PM results back yet so I can't stop thinking about the "what if's" and why we didn't insist on more investigations sooner. Or taking her to Perth, or anything really. It just feels like we sat back and watched her suffer. She was far too young and didn't deserve any of this :D
Pru passed away in the early hours of this morning. I am so sorry we didn't find out what was wrong eith you in time sweetheart. I am so so sorry, my heart is broken.
I was in picking up my RC and was chatting to the staff about new Royal Canin varieties for this "market" and I don't think this is the one I saw but perhaps similar http://www.royalcanin.us/products/productdetail.aspx?ID=87 but from my (admittedly very limited) understanding, unlike cats dogs are not strictly carnivorous and do cope on a properly balanced veg diet.
She is fighting well I just spoke with the vet and her breathing is MUCH better, she had oxygen all afternoon (the other vet did not do this, which explains why she was still so bad this morning) as well as cortisone and pumped her full of antibiotics. As he just mentioned, she was only off the ABs for a day before all this happened so he is suspecting that it actually is meningitis/ encephalitis? but is not sure why her lungs have acted like this, yet her heart on xray looked good. One thing that is very interesting is he said she is now turning in circles again although not as tight and she can follow someone so not nearly as bad BUT it's the other direction! This is all very strange, no firm diagnosis yet and obviously she is staying at the vets tonight again. Thank you for the thoughts - she is just the sweetest girl.
She is still completely flat and struggling to breathe so has been taken to my vet (who saw her the first time) and he is starting from scratch and trying to figure out what is happening. No talk of taking her to Perth at this stage but I don't know what they will do.
Ah yes it's Lasix she mentioned so yes that's the one. They aren't doing anything other than giving that as needed overnight, so I guess we work out a plan of attack tomorrow. Probably take her to Perth if my vet can't help (this vet she's with now actually said on presentation to put her back in the car and drive her the two hours to Perth...luckily a senior vet was able to step in and do something, as if Pru would have survived the trip without any intervention) She is such a beautiful girl with a typical sweet Rotti personality. Maybe it was originally a spider bite that caused the initial symptoms and there is some sort of damage to her heart? Yes I am very bad at self diagnosis which is probably very obvious by now - I need answers iykwim. Thanks for the thoughts, will let you know an update tomorrow. Pru is a strong girl so I am sure this can be managed.
Just an update, it gradually improved and she was back at probably 95% However, this afternoon she was in severe respiratory distress and x-ray was clear - it's pulmonary oedema. She is a very sick girl right now and we just see what happens overnight, I can't remember the name of the diuretic they are giving but unfortunately Mum panicked and took her to the closest vet instead of the one I go to - so I wasn't able to get much information (my vet knows me and is happy to discuss what is happening) and we will transfer her care in the morning hopefully. So this can't be a coincidence that less than 2weeks after this started her heart is failing. Pru is such a sweet girl and this is heartbreaking. I just need to know why all this is happening to her.
Thanks. I wanted to update that the vet does think it is a middle ear infection, and that there is some pressure on a nerve as a result as this is a pretty severe symptom. She has been given some strong ABs and bloods have been taken to check there isn't anything else going on, but hopefully that is it. She has a temp and one gland is up in her neck, but she is nowhere near sick enough to suspect meningitis I don't think? Thank you for the responses, hopefully Pru will be better ASAP.
Yes his second guess is a stroke, as it has happened so suddenly probably not a tumour. I guess we will get some answers in the morning. Thanks for the responses.
No there isn't, but the vet suggested that it may be middle ear instead so wouldn't be as obvious. There is also no tenderness or smell/discharge from her ear.
Hi, we have a 2yr old otherwise very healthy Rotti who this morning has suddenly started turning only to the left. In circles. Repeatedly. She can't seem to focus and her eyes turn to the left when she tries to look at you. No matter how you entice she can't turn or look right. Chasing her ball, after several attempts she couldn't pick it up, she just kept going in circles and lost track of where it was. It is awful to watch. She is however not distressed and does not seem at all nauseous. She has gotten worse through the day. Of course "vet consult immediately" however I have spoken with our vet who knows me well and is happy with her at home overnight under observation, assuming she doesn't get any worse and is not distressed. We have started her on prednisone and amoxyclav this afternoon (I have both on hand, the vet said to start them) to cover bases until the morning. So the suspect is a middle ear infection? My question is, has anyone experienced this with their dog with ear problems? Or something else as a cause? I am very worried it's something more sinister, and it is going to be a very long night watching her :D