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Pink Panther

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Everything posted by Pink Panther

  1. Yes, I agree. I think there should be no need to use antibiotics if you take care of the situation properly. The dirt and grime that gets into those folds of skin is just an infection waiting to happen, so keep them clean and clear and under control. :wink:
  2. I have a question - I feed partly commercial, with raw meat, what would a typical BARF or raw food dinner consist of? And breakfast? (I don't like the idea of feeding even adult dogs once a day, that's a long time to go without food)
  3. I trained Solly, with the help of a target (gets a reward when he touched the target with his paw) to just touch the contact zones, I find this is more effective than stoppinng or slowing him down, but it may vary from dog to dog. This way, though, he retains his enthusiasm, and remains on the obstacle until I give the release hand signal that I am happy with his touch.
  4. A dally will defianately enjoy obedience and agility - thye are very easy to train. Don't know about sledding though, our dally x would never do it. They do like to run alongside bikes though, (prolly because of what they were bred for :wink:)
  5. Some obedience schools/clubs will have them for sale at lessons, Thats where I got my Blackdog one.
  6. Just a question, for difficult training, and high distractions, do you find that the smell of the food matters a lot? One of my dogs (Solly) isn't very motivated by really anything when he is doing plain heelwork. He loves doggy dancing and agility, and other difficult and high energy training, but when it comes to your basic heelwork, such as for competetive oedience, I just can't get him to look up to me and pay full attention to me. Anyone else have this problem? Another question - Those of you who use liver, is it strong smelling, and do you boil it or fry it? =]
  7. My two dog (dally and ridgy) share a tin per day into their food, plus flaxseed and fish oil. Stella also gets Sasha's blend. I have never had any negative effects from feeding sardines, but I guess it can vary from dog to dog. Half a tin would be enough for most dogs. Note - I feed sardines in oil.
  8. Yep, just make the excercise shorter, doesn't sound like he's handling the 3kms very well.
  9. TO THE VET. My dog Stella had this problem, turned out that her cruciate ligament was 60% torn. And now that I've noticed you said this, good on 'ya. Let us know what happens.
  10. If your dog is trying to dominate you, aka become the alpha in the pack, each day, you should tell the dog to drop, and them, without any physical contact, just stand over the dog. This is different to the alpha roll, where the dog is physically pushed onto its back and dominated, because this approach can lead to agressive behaviour later in life. The standing over method induces no physical threat, and builds a natural authority over your dog.
  11. Exactly, we used to feed Stella BARF, but her coat didn't like it at all. She does very well on Eagle Pack Holistic. Bloody expensive, that too!!
  12. I feed both my dogs Eagle Pack Holistic, plus a bone most mornings before work, and occasional dried treats, like pig ears, hoofs etc. Those people who feed Iams or Eukanuba, please don't, because that company tortures innocent dogs (mostly beagles) through terrible, painful and inhumane animal testing methds. Just go to: http://www.petatv.com/tvpopup/video.asp?vi...r=wm&speed=_med for a video of this horror. When choosing the right food for your dog, always take a small sample of the food, about enough to last a couple of days, long enough to get used to, but quick enough to be able to change, and see how your dog goes on it. PP
  13. Wowo, I wish my dogs were ball crazy and could do that.
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