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Pink Panther

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Everything posted by Pink Panther

  1. Ziwipeak, but it is very expensive. www.ziwipeak.com Otherwise, Nutro or Eaglepack, as the people above have said.
  2. OMG that's adorable!!! You should show that to 2P'sinapod, the user, but I think she has 4 dogs now?
  3. I have this picture of these birds, does anyone want to do anything funny with them?
  4. I recoloures the ANTN winner to make her a little more interesting: to:
  5. Here's another thing I did, I made them ghosts! The original: The ghosty one: really tests your clone stamping!
  6. I've posted this before, but here is Solly at lure coursing:
  7. Thanx everyone for responses, I was asking this because I used to feed them 1 cup in the morning, 2 at night, and while we wee at lure coursing, a lady suggested that they should be eating less. She feeds her 40kg shapherd 1 cup a day! IMHO, I think that's too little. I have lessened the amount that mine eat, and I'm happy with the results (well, solly runs around 2.7km with my bike everyday, stella's never runs, cruciates.), does anyone else think that's too little for a shep?
  8. I was just wondering, how much does everyone feed their dogs? If you answer, please say how mcuh your dogs weighs. My dogs eat 2 cups (small cups that came with the food), one in the morning, one in the evening. They are 40 kg.
  9. thanx for that, it sounds really good. They stock it in Caboolture (sort of near us), but do you know how much it costs? (dry food) I might call them up, too.
  10. Yep, sardines are great for the coat =] Ours usually get them around 3, 4 times a week, half a tin.
  11. At the moment, my dogs are on Nutro, but I have heard that ziwipeak is very good. Does anyone feed this food?
  12. Qhen we rented, we were in your exact situation. Stella could get over the fence, and she is aggressive with other dogs. I recommend gettiung an innotek system, a wire that goes around the perimeter of th area and beeps if he gets close, and then zaps him. It sounds harsh, but i was the only option for us, coz we also had no driveway fence. In the whole training and onwards process, I would sayt at the dogs ends up getting zapped about twice, that's not much at all. Here's a linky: http://www.innotek.net/store/index.php?cPa...ce924f9526a6063
  13. Showdog, what breeds are you involved with? 17 DOGS?? I sure hope for your sake they're small!
  14. Vickie, I love your dogs, would love to see some more! Aren't there any other herders out there? c/omn guys, get those sameras rolling and lets see some wool fly.
  15. 2 Doggies Every Day Solly, no I train him in all sorts of disciplines - endurance for Lure coursing, canine musical freestyle, agility, canine frisbee. With Stella, nothing competetive at the moment, just tricks, as she has ruptures both her cruciate ligaments and has had 3 operations on one leg, so she is in no shape to do anything physical, not yet anyway. Solly - going to be 3 soon - getting into his prime, maybe in about a year or two, Stella - going to be 5, has never been in her prime. When she could compete, she was too young, but now with both her legs ruptured, she can't even go for a walk right now. No, I wish I could have more. I train in the evenings and walk in the morning, and bike Solly (for endurance) 3 times a week. I would love to be able to train when it's light!! Stella is a dalmatian cross and Solly is a ridgeback cross, from the pound. He is extremely motivated sometimes (heh..), especially when we train with discs, his prey drive really kicks in. He cannot (EVER) be punished, as he was abused as a pup, and sees this as the end of the world, he cowers and cries, so I have to be extremely positive with him. Stella LOVES learning tricks and could do it forever, but she wishes she could play frisbee, poor thing. I don't focus on obedience. They know the basic commands, but now I don't think I'm going to trial either of my dogs. I can clearly see that the do not enjoy obedience work - then what's the point? If I compare the way Solly acts in training for musical freestyle with obedience, he sometimes gets so excited in freestyle that he starts spinning aroundn and doing everything I've taught him before I say a word, he even gives me 100% attention in freestyle heeling, because it's fun. In obedience he drags himself along, and so does Stella. Frisbee speaks for itself =]
  16. My dogs have Innotek collars, back from the day when we didn't have a front gate, and generally, after the first mild shock, they know that wheneve they hear the beep they are not to get closer. easy. =]
  17. 'Scuse me??!! Novice?! I don't think so. With people like you I'll never get anything with my clumsy ridgy cross!
  18. Why is Queensland so slow and stupid! I think It's one of the most fun activities you can do with your dog. Carolyn and Rookie's Grease performance was such an amazing one.. wow, I have loved it for such a long time. I wanna now what her method is! But there's got to be some people out there who want to get together and form some sort of organisation for canine freestyle in OZ.... Where are you?? That would be so awesome, just like the Canine Freestyle Federation, and others alike, based in USA and UK. I think one day it could become as big as agility, and have one nation-wide governing body, like ADAA. I hope.
  19. thanx so much, mrs D, you're a very helpful person. Freestyle's awesome, we should do some demos and get more people into it. Its like obedience, only the dogs actually enjoy it! =]
  20. Is there anything non-physical, as in not agility or flyball, something that does not involve too much running and jumping? This is because Stella has had 3 cruciate operations, and her leg is not very strong. Tracking aounds great, but are there any competitions around here?
  21. awwh, I love canine freestyle, such a shame there' none in QLD..
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