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Everything posted by tianakaesha

  1. Oh, I am sorry to hear this. Was the cough related to the bone cancer too?
  2. RE: Whooping Cough. Apparently the increase in whooping cough is because in the 1980s they changed the vaccination protocol for Whooping Cough. Something changed/type of vacc changed and it left a whole generation of kids vunerable. Hence why my entire school class, and the classes above and below me all came down with it (70% or more). Were were part of a known epidemic of WC> Let me just say that I would never wish that on anyone...!
  3. OK. VETPATH in WA do the Titre tests in Australia. They do Distemper and Parvo in dogs They do Cat Flu and Enteritis (sp) in cats Vets are starting to recommend yearly basic blood tests as a general "wellness" checkup as part of the reason for annual vaccs is so vets can do a basic check up anyways. The titre test paper will be coming out hopefully in the next few months with the findings of the titres tests. A Titre test is recommended at 6 months to ensure the puppy vaccs took effect. Cost should be less than the cost of a vacc.
  4. There is ONE lab in Australia that does it. They are in WA I believe. I will get the name when I go home. It should be around the same cost as doing a vaccination. (According to the vets I was speaking to the other day). They test for the basics, but if you want to do a full Titre test, you need to send it to scottland (that is where most of the australian ones have been going to so far). The reason it has cost so much in the past is because it had to be sent overseas. All vets should be able to do them, but most don't know about it. Many do not offer it simply because of liability. Vaccination Companies stipulate that the vaccinations are effective for a year. If a vet goes against that recommendation, they could be liable. The vaccination protocol is under review in Australia at the moment with the AVA. These are just the things I was told at the pet day. I have notes at home so will get them tonight
  5. Titre testing is becoming more widely available. The test can now be sent to a lab in australia rather than OS. I have the lab name somewhere.. The pet wellbeing conference I went to, a vet was talking about a study that their vets had done. Basically only one dog needed to have its vaccinations done - a dog who's puppy shots had not taken effect. The rest were all covered.
  6. Its like offering green vegies versus maccas Some dogs just take a while to get used to it.
  7. Oh god Rozzie. Thinking of you during this time. kristie and the furkids
  8. Oh Rozzie *super hugs* When I saw her name I was expecting it too be in the photos section, not the rainbowbridge Will be thinking of you lots *more hugs*
  9. yup the section bits are becoming more popular. I almost bought a crate like this But didn't I have a cute little crate for Gilbert to sleep in. He hates getting in but he just goes to sleep in it LOL AND it is purple!
  10. Keels, have a look on Ebay. They are always being sold there
  11. oh no. how sad! Bob, my sympathies to you guys, and to the owners who have lost their mate.
  12. LB - they are ex lab rats used in methadone tests. :p They have been "clean" for about a month. They are not permanant residents. They need a home. The young boys might stay, but I really want the others to go to a home where they get more attention (I can only give so much with my lot). They are 10 months old :p
  13. Health Stores, chemists, naturapaths... that's where I have found it before. It comes in a vial with a dropper, or as a cream to rub on, or a spray... I have also seen them in pellets from bach flower distributors...
  14. HAHAHA! no suppa? But Yappy! That sounds too cruel a punishment! Rats are very resiliant, but I was concerned about a huge dosage LOL. The fact that this rat is a reformed addict :p got me a little worried about how he would handle such a dose. I am going to start putting it in the water for those boys though because the fights are escalating I hope it will make them settle a bit. I've used RR with rats for a long time with travelling to shows etc and have found it is marvellous... I would still like to read up on RR though (and other Bach Flowers) if you can find the time to post some info on it too.
  15. he was fine. Calmed him down a treat and he allowed me to look at his wounds. He did start bruxing immediately, so it did work a very quickly.
  16. YLD, I cannot help but feel you are having a go at me.. I needed this rat calm, and I needed him calm quickly. Rescue Remedy has done it for me in the past, it is what I had on hand. I have used RR for years, and have often found that it works wonders in calming rats very quickly. Having rescue rats come in lots I find it a godsend. It might not be designed for zonking (this was probably the wrong word to use) but I have found it will calm a skittish rat pretty quickly My normal way of administering it is to put a drop on their chin - just a drop. This boy however grabbed the dropper and pulled at the moment I squeezed and it caused me to administer most of it. It was an accident. I know it is not a sedative per say. I also know that having used it with rats for years with no problems. My naturopath helps me with the animals and dosages. To be given a lecture on what not to do does not help once something has happened and to undermine the way I care for the rats (which is what your post feels like) does nothing anyways. If you are so concerned about the way people administer RR to pets, do a post about it and let people know before the fact.
  17. yeah, it is great stuff. the boy sat on me for a long time I was actually worried about the alcohol content of it haha! but he seems fine... sweet boy that he is.. :p
  18. I have some rescue rats here at the moment and one of them has a very serious injury on his tail. As they don't allow us to pick them up much, it has gone fairly undetected until now (it is on the underside of his tail. I have just given him some rescue remedy to try and zonk him out a bit so I can treat the tail He unfortunately grabbed the thing as I was administering it and he copped a full dose! (what I usually give myself) He instantly started to relax and calm, but I am hoping I have not given him too much he is used to methadone, so I am hoping this will not harm him too much. these guys don't display much normal behavior, but he seems ok at the moment.... but should I be watching out for adverse reactions? and what should I do if he has any? he's a beautiful boy who just needs a chance (there are two lovely boys and two boisterous boys looking for homes if people are interested?) they really need new homes asap........ the little boys are being seriously picked on
  19. OMG! I am so sorry for your loss Rozzie. Your stories and descriptions of him certainly made him a fond character in the DOL community.
  20. question 2 and 4 look the same to me ??? was the last one meant to be "no, I already fed BARF" ?? I voted 3
  21. I can just see a 5 year old kid going up to some big boofy dog and licking "coz it licked me first!"
  22. Still my heart is broken It has been a year since you were taken away and my world was turned into disarray My heart still aches without you nearby And to utter your name still makes me cry It was all so sudden and extremely sick one moment you were heathly, the next deadly sick I had not time in which to prepare You were taken from me and it was so unfair What did I do to deserve the fate to have my baby taken to God's gate Within 12 hours my world was shattered in parts And blackness seemed to engulf my heart Life is not fair when you must say goodbye To a pet who is not ready to die Xander, my dear, why are you no longer with me Over your death, I have cried seven seas I miss you so much, and my heart still aches Each day another piece of my heart still breaks Because I do not have you by my side Since that dreadful day you died. xander, I still miss you. RIP, September 1st 2003 _____________________ Rest my baby, Rest. In Memory of Xander. Posted on DOL, the day of his death. Such a tiny kitten Turned to such a stunning lad I’ll never fully recover I doubt this pain will ever fade I hear something moving But I know there is nothing upstairs I see the bounding shadows As they keep catching me unawares Closing my eyes, even slightly Only makes yours appear so bright Tossing through my slumber I swear you are there throughout the night Your paw prints are embedded Pressed into my heart And although the memories are precious I’m left feeling battered and scarred I cannot shut out the silence It burns me deep and true It seems impossible to imagine A life that is without you Rest peacefully my baby There is no need to fight anymore The spirits found an opening And obviously needed you a lot more
  23. tianakaesha


    Oh no... Jeff, I am so sorry to hear of WAZZA
  24. it is the only thing that can get the knots out of my hair at the moment!!
  25. *cries* that was a beautiful tribute. She was a beautiful girl When I brought my Xander home, the other two cats - Monte and Bubbie - came up and said their good byes. Bubbie licked her brothers head, before crying through the house - her meows echoed through the rooms. :D *hugs*
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