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Everything posted by tianakaesha

  1. If I remember correctly the RSPCA forced through a ban on them last year. It was in the news. It was also in the City Weekly news and Nine to Five.... (which is where I read about it) The thing however was they did not widely advertise this new ban, and I believe are trying to catch people on the sly.
  2. Three please - but when the time comes PM me or I will forget LOL will we be able to direct deposit into your account?
  3. Personally, I know that I could not return a pup in that condition back to a place that let something like that happen though...?
  4. you got the free food for a month? it says only the first lot of dog food or cat food you buy they will refund..
  5. Run free little Cricket
  6. I am glad that Spud is doing ok now... yes.. that staffy... grrr. If two dogs are on leash, and I am shooing your dog away saying "please keep your dog back" it might be an idea to listen for the safety of your dog!! I am requesting muzzles for those two know...
  7. catzatsea... I have just realised we met at O'dea Reserve LOL. I think I might have had two unsociable retrievers?
  8. Thinking of you at this distressing and heartbreaking time.
  9. Mika had it done. Apparently the vet had a hard time administering it. (report from breeder) and she said she'd only do it on more adult animals. She then was diagnosed with Kennel Cough/Pneumonia 10 days after the nasal vaccine We had Gilbert with us, but had been with us for over a month, and was no longer sick with it - they suspect she got it on the plane.... (?)
  10. oh god no. sleep sweet little man roz
  11. I was fortunate enough to meet Bryce. I am privileged to live with two of his sons. I would have loved to have taken his daughters. Flynn would have liked that. I wish I had. The bitter taste of tears will be with many of us for a while. He was more than just a rat. He was a friend. He was your soul mate.
  12. Can you all please keep Pixie and Bryce in your hearts today. Bryce has just gone to the bridge.
  13. oooh. That's the book I almost bought.... so its not worth it? You guys just saved me $23
  14. Kibble wise, I have heard that Eagle Pack is good - http://www.eaglepack.com/ Edited to add: Green Pet Natural Pet Food Might be worth looking at (I just grabbed the link - not sure how valuable it is)
  15. There appears to be quite a number of books called "The dog Whisperer" (ok- at least two or three that I know) so which one are you guys talking about that should be avoided?
  16. That's the one I bought tonight :rolleyes: I also saw the one of the books by the monks - though it was the second one, not their first book (which I think is the puppy raising one)
  17. Tonight I bought On Talking Terms with Dogs: Calming Signals ($15) And The Dog Man ($23) For those interested, Dymocks has :Outback Mongrel: on sale at 50% off ($20) in Sydney City store (I guess this is everywhere though)
  18. I just bought "The other end of the leash" and have got on order "How to Speak Dog" but I am wondering if people can recommend some more books for me. I am particularly after books about Canine Communication and reading dog behaviour. Not so much training (though that comes into it I know). Are there some books out there that people cannot live without? I have The Dog Whisperer but found it a little odd. Does anyone have this book? If Dogs could Talk Any advice is very much welcome!
  19. oh, I am so sorry to hear this!! hugs what is wobblers syndrome?
  20. When you have a shower, take them in with you and steam up the room, and then when you get out, pummel the chest to get the fluids moving That's what we did with Gilbert and Mika
  21. Mika gets the bath, Gilbert gets the bath, laundry sink, kitchen sink, bathroom basin... he's small enough to fit in most
  22. oh yes, spaghetti from a tin is the best food to raise a child on nowadays - so nutritionally balanced
  23. This is one thing I taught Mika!! *proud* We are now working on her jumping while doing it. However she keeps insisting on doing the high five at the end *laugh* thanks LP
  24. go lo and places like that sell off towels really cheaply. do chami cloths work for drying dogs?
  25. There are so many contageous things around with dogs. It would be really best for him to go to the vet though. A puppy can get sick very quickly and so it is better to be on the safe side. Good luck
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