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Hi! Just thought I would let you know that the incontinence has settled, Konnie is still asking to go out at night though, whereas once she would last all night. On the bright side, the vomiting has stopped, so I guess we are on the frusemide long term now. My mother, bless her, is on a dose 10 times the size of Konnies! Konnie is much brighter now, and came for a walk with me this arvo, she did lag behind a little twoards the end, but guess this is to be expected these days. Thanks again for all your input. Barb
Koza, thanks for the input, I'm not sure what type of nappy you would mean, but it appears that the incontinence has settled down. She is still vomiting though and I have a feeling the vet may well tell me to increase the dose, which will possibly start us all over again. Wendy, I'm so sorry to hear your story, but 2 years is a positive thing for us. I"m afraid though, that with Konnie's background there is no way she would cope with the constant vet visits, so any intervention for us will have to be minimal. She was not her usual self yesterday, and even only ate half her dinner last night.... a first in the 6 years we've had the pleasure of her company. I have to go to Canberra today so won't be able to keep an eye on her, but hopefully she might pick up a bit today. Barb
Well, the vet says its an unusual side effect and that he wants me to stick with it for at least 3 days, preferably 5, to see if there is any change in the vomit. She has thrown up twice today ( I haven't been home, just seen the mess) so there is little change so far. She is in excellent health otherwise, eating well, active, coat good, loves to go for a walk, although admittedly doesn't run like she used to. We will just have to see how it goes. I do appreicate everyones input on this. Konnie is in tonight again, and so far there has been no accidents, but then because I didn't get home until late she didn't get the jab until late so I guess its early yet. I like the hours for injections that Poodlewrangler gave, so will try those to the best of my ability. I am also a bit slow on the uptake, as my mother has been on frusemide, so will ring her in NZ tomorrow. To say that Konnie is stable tonight I think is a fairly safe assumption. Again thanks for helping to calm my panic. I understand that we are looking at heart failure and all those implications, and will take each day as it comes I guess. Barb
So, should I be asking for a salt replacement as well? I have yet to catch the vet as he is out on call. He said yesterday that he didn't get a good listen of her heart as her lungs were so noisy, also Konnie was out of her comfort zone and was highly stressed and panting lots. She has been regurgitating clear, frothy fluid for a while now, which was why I took her to the vet. I should imagine that congestive heart failure is a real consideration. Barb
Wow, thanks so much! Yesterday our vet said that Konnie had congested lungs. Hence the frusemide. She is an 8 yr old dane and I guess things are going to start getting tricky. She is supposed to be on the drug twice a day, but will be checking with the vet this morning when I go to town. And yes, I am injecting it. We found her jacket last night and filled her kennel up with extra bedding, but I do have some plastic in the cupboard so might try that if things don't settle down. She is a rescue dog and tiny things out of the ordinary ( like plastic under her bed) put her in a spin, so will take things slowly. Obviously, she is just like me, cos the sight of her piddling everywhere sent me in to a spin also! Our vet is great, but tends to overload with the information so that the questions I might have just don't make it to the surface. Many , many thanks for the information. Barb
Hi all, I know I'll be talking to the vet tomorrow but was just wondering if anyone has had any experience with using this drug. My darling Great Dane was put on this today, and I gave her her first shot at about 5 this evening. She sleeps inside at night, and I came in to the lounge before to find her not on her mattress, but on the floor, as there was a huge puddle on the bed! I put her out, and when she came back in to fresh bedding, she basically just lay on the blankets leaking urine. Is this a natural occurence when just starting a diuretic? To say I am unhappy about this is an understatement, as my girl needs to sleep in at night for the warmth, yet she will not be able to if this is going to happen. Looking forward to some input. thanks Barb
The kindest thing is so often the hardest. Bronte was obviously well loved, take solace in knowing that. My sympathies Barb
Sorry to hear of Mischief's passing, I'm sure it was the worst decision for your poor mother to make. What a wonderful life those two had had though! Hugs Barb
So sorry to hear of your loss.