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Everything posted by Gretel

  1. Gretel

    Help Required

    < Some people who have not had such a relationship may not understand the depth of feeling you have. > Very true, Jigsaw. I feel sorry for people who say, "but it's just a dog". They don't get it!
  2. Gretel

    Help Required

    i feel so stupid but i am really suffering i might try lifeline. who would've thought a dog coould cause so much grief???? stupid dogs who would have them???? Okay so stop feeling stupid!! You obviously loved your dog very much and your dog's death has left you very upset. Nothing stupid there. There are lots of lovely people here who understand how painful it is to lose a beloved pet. I remember reading in a dog magazine in a doctors surgery a while ago about a man who was a funeral director and then he changed direction and started doing pet cremations and he did offer counselling for the owners. Do get some support but feel free to talk in here too
  3. <He's been eating well ! even a few small dog biscuits. Nothing stops a Cav eating ! ;-)> The night I brought Gretel home from having her tonsils removed she grabbed someone's bone on the way past thinking she'd have it for dinner Glad all went well and I'm sure he'll be back to normal in no time
  4. A sports sock ,Did you have to wash it again ? That does sound a bit dangerous,ill see what he does with the sock by itself first,but knowing my Puggy,he will chew it to bits. Funnily enough it went straight into the bin I know that does seem a bit wasteful!! I watched him like a hawk after that episode. Another time when he came to stay he passed a sock less than a day into his stay and it was definitely not one of ours so he'd 'brought' it from home ;) I'm a bit worried I've not heard from his family for some time so I hope he didn't end up biting off more than he could chew..... Even out on walks he would just grab and swallow anything he came across.
  5. The waiting is awful isn't it?! I'm sure he'll be fine Jules
  6. Just be a bit careful. A dog I was minding swallowed a sports sock!! He did it right in front of me. We had a nervous wait till it came out the other end. Apparently he did it quite often.
  7. Oh dear sorry to hear he has worsened. I've had several Cavaliers had the surgery over the years and they have come through it very well. I've not had to confine mine that much but then I'd say the vet is doing surgery a different way. I've just crated them for the first few days and then after that gradually gotten them back to normal but avoided all jumping. Of course it is important to follow your vets instructions. I hope all goes well.
  8. I'd worry about him swallowing the elastic band.
  9. What sort of dry food are you feeding her? I'd give away the canned stuff.....
  10. I won't leave pups or adults unsupervised eating a wing. Just my opinion though.
  11. Ah yes the good old days when Golden's were black
  12. I disagree with you. My vet said he has done heaps of bowel surgery from lodged chicken necks. Because he has done so many of these ops. he advises against feeding chicken necks to dogs at all. Lindainfa, I would watch your dog very closely indeed to make sure nothing is amiss in the next two days. If anything does not appear to be right - straight off to the vets. My 8 year old Cav has swallowed many necks without chewing properly over the years without incident.
  13. You can pick up a grooming mitt at a cheapie shop for only a few dollars so if you don't like it you're not too much out of pocket. They are even good for getting hair out of the carpet. If I'm naughty and groom the girls in the loungeroom I give the carpet a 'groom' with the mitt to lift the hair for the carpet ;)
  14. Yes a rubber mitt would be good for the job and they do like the masssage that goes along with it ;)
  15. I generally recommend having the boys done at around six months old but if he's testes haven't dropped by then I'd leave him a bit longer to see if they do. It makes for an easier op if they don't need to go hunting There is a Cavalier thread in the breed threads in general if you want to pop in and chat ;)
  16. I've never known a bitch to go off her food cause she's in season? Or maybe I've just got little piggies! I'd be getting a vet check up.
  17. <You are an indulgent owner who let those horrible brown puppy beagle eyes lead you astray!!> Oooh dangerous eyes! Beagle puppies should come with a cute warning
  18. A full grown Cavalier within the breed standard would definitely not fit in one hand.
  19. Gretel


    Great pics Kirislin
  20. You could velcro them to the table! Gretel! Id have to tape down ears too Thanx everyone No the Flying Nun look quite suits them
  21. That's good news. Walking will help strengthen his muscles which will help the knee too. Stairs and knees are never a good combination.
  22. You could velcro them to the table!
  23. Yes you've made a wise decision About midway between seasons is a good time.
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