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Everything posted by Gretel

  1. I've found a couple of stockists with 15 kilo bags.
  2. Just about to leave for work so I'll check in as soon as I get home to see how she is
  3. Yes how do people eat sardines when they smell like that?! I can't bring myself to taste them....
  4. Some dogs are a bit odd with sardines. I had one girl who would only eat them if they were not mashed with other food. He may prefer some salmon or tuna? Mine love them all
  5. Cavaliers definitely love other Cavaliers. And mine react to colours too. They get much more excited about wholecolours than particolours And a lovely blenheim girl I raised came back for a holiday and the owner told me how she goes crazy about a ruby Cavalier at the park. The new owner had never met me and didn't realise the pup had been raised with my rubies :D
  6. Hi nadz. I'm yet to follow a feeding guide on food. They are usually rather generous with their suggestions! I give them the amount that looks right and judge by how well they are doing on it. Some dogs need quite a bit of food and others do very well on a lot less.
  7. Poor old Reg. I hope he pulls through. I can only imagine what the owner is feeling!
  8. If you are serious about wanting to show I'd not encourage you to buy from someone who doesn't have good dogs. Not a good way to start out. Maybe you could spend a bit longer researching your chosen breed and saving?
  9. I love Newfies. I had a girl years ago and was devestated to lose her at not quite 6 years old to poison Her father used to participate in the agilty demos at the Sydney Royal. He'd run against a Papillon It was lovely to watch. He didn't look like he'd fit through the tyre but he did
  10. When my pups were being vaccinated the other day the vet gave them a good check over and commented Jersey had teeth coming out everywhere I said she'd been having trouble eating her chicken necks and she asked did I give her ice and that feeding her necks a bit frozen would be good for her gums too.
  11. Oh that is awful I worry flying them in summer so I always make sure it's an early flight.
  12. Yes being a terrier does have me a little concerned. I'm not sure how I'd live with a terrier temperament. I rather like 'soft' breeds....
  13. Trixie is very beautiful, Amypie I met a man at the vets a few years ago who had three with him and they were nice. I seriously miss my Dobermann but I don't want another big dog so I was attracted to MTs.
  14. I've been giving mine an ice cube each whenever I have a drink for about 30 years now with no ill effects. I do think an overheated dog and a large amount of ice water or ice is another thing.
  15. I'm so glad you asked this question cause they are a breed I've been admiring and wondering about. Now I know more and like what I'm reading.
  16. Every time they hear the freezer they come arunnin'!!!
  17. I've used a squirt of Aerogard with good results
  18. Some people feel that way about childcare workers too ;) Exactly. So do you tell them: well you love them, stay home and look after them :D I'd like to some days
  19. Some people feel that way about childcare workers too ;)
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